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Michael's P.O.V

"Drew.  There you are!  Where have you been?!!"

"Oh.. Um..  I decided to take a walk just around.  I couldn't sleep.  You know what that's like."

"True.  I do.  But are you sure that's all?"

"(guilty of lying) Yes."

"I found this in your room, Drew."

"Why the hell were you snooping through my stuff!!?"

"I went to go look for you.  Thought you might've been playing video games.  You do that a lot.  And I accidentally stumbled across this.  I know I shouldn't have looked.  But i'm a curious person.  You of all people show know that Drew."

"Ok..  Fine.  I took a walk down by the boardwalk.  Joe told me about this really amazing breakfast cafe open 24/7, down by the boardwalk.  I couldn't sleep so I decided why not try that place out? "

 (He knew he still shouldn't have lied.  He should have just told Michael the truth.  'I went to go see Kacy, that amazing singer/rapper/guitarist by the boardwalk because I couldn't get her out of my mind.  And i'm starting to maybe fal for her.  Sorry'   But he couldn't say it.  He knew it would only be bad.  So he continued to lie straight to Michael's face.)

"Oh.  Ok.  That explains it.  Maybe next time I can join you!"

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Anyways, come on Drew.  The others are waiting by the car.  Time to head to the studio."

"Yup...  Let's go."


The had just gone through maybe 2 hours of singing and recording and were all in their green room taking a break.  Drew was playing video games on his computer.  Sergio hadjust heated up some dino nuggets.  That way he would have a snack for working on his homework.  Brady was working solely on his homework, bored to death. Chance was facetiming Brooklyn because he missed her and wouldn't get to see her until the next day.  Michael was watching some Logic rap videos when John walked in.

"Alright.  So apparently we have finished all we came to do for today.  Nothing else on the agenda.  So I guess what i'm saying is....  it's a free day y'all!  Go do what you want.  Just make sure to stay safe and get back to the house by 8.  Also don't bother me :)"

Michael liked that idea.  He decided that today felt like a mall day.  So he headed out to the mall, leaving the rest of those boys behind.  

Walking into the mall, he hears this faint voice.  Not just any voice either.  It's familiar.  And every step he takes get's him closer to the familiarity.  The closer he gets, the more into detail it comes.  But only when he finds the crowd and get's to the front does he realize who the angelic voice belongs to.  After a split second of seeing the face, he says.  


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