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Michael's P.O.V

When I thought of her idea of a pretty place, I never believed she'd take me to this place. I had never been anywhere quite like it. When I opened my eyes, I was just stuck in aw. The way waves flowed in and out was just feeding my curiousity. When I looked at the walls of the cave I noticed that the surface of the water, and the ever-passing waves, were reflected by the sun hitting the walls of the cave. It was such an aw -filled moment.

I had only met Kacy not very long ago, but she was amazing. It seemed as if in this little bit of time, she figured me out better than most people. Not even Drew knows me this well. And she was right. It does make me feel a lot better.

Looking out at the water I smiled. I smelled the salty air. But it wasn't just salt I smelled in the air, I smelled this scent of some kind of flower or underwater plant. But it made the salt grow on me even more. I sat down on rocks below me. They were definitely wind blown, and they were a bit slippery from the rising and falling tide, but somehow it was comforting to sit there.

As I turned my head again to look out into the deep, light, blue. I became mesmerized by the way the waves crashed along the shoreline below. How the waves rolled past me in the distance. I was mesmerized by how high and fast the water would come up and down.

But as I went through my senses, I realized that what I heard gave me the most happiness. Smelling the air somehow became a nice way of becoming happy too.  But man what I heard was so fulfilling.

It started with the crash of the waves.  The way they rolled in and out after hitting the rocks just below my feet.  I made me smile brightly.  But it wasn't just the water that trickled off the rocks after exploding on them, it was what I heard out in the distance.  I heard the sound of a few orcas nearby.  It was soothing.  The way they communicate is cool.  But their sound is even more precious.  There were times when I looked out and saw some of them doing jumps up out of the water and spinning in the air before plunging down under the surface.

"Kacy.  Thank you for this.  You were right....  This did help."

"No problem.  But just so you know.  This place is secret.  Don't show or tell anyone about it.  It's special, just like you are."

Again I think of how we first met.  At the boardwalk only a week ago.  But there was a connection then.  And an even more clear connection now.  A growing bond.  

I wanted to stay here forever.  But John would get worried, knowing him.

"I should head back.  It might be a free day but John will get worried if i'm not back soon."

"You'll be alright?"

"Yeah.  I think so."

"You aren't going to try and kill Drew,  are you?"

"No.  I understand.  You're rare.  And it's your choice.  I don't know what happened between you two, but I do know that it should stay between you.  It's none of my business."

"Thanks Michael.  I really don't know what I want.  I don't know what to think.  You both are so amazing.  And bring out the best in different parts of me.....  I wish I could stay longer.  But school starts soon.  And I have to get back home.  I'm flying out next week."

"Really!?  Is it already the end of summer?"

"Sadly, yes."

"And you're leaving so soon?"

"I don't really have a choice."

"I hope we can hang out before you leave.  I really want to see you again."

"Me too...  but didn't you say you needed to get back?"

"Oh!  Right!"

"Have fun!  I'm headed to my rental house over there.  See you soon (I hope) Michael!"


I waved back to her as we both went our separate directions.  Next week!?  She was leaving?  Going home?  What was I going to do?  I hope I see her again before she leaves.  And relax, I still have to try and not kill Drew when I see him.

As I head back to the house, I try to think of the cove Kacy had brought me to.  It was so breathtaking.  The sights and sounds alike were different but so nice.  They made the whole picture seem even better together.  I thought of the way the orcas had lunged out of the water and spun before entering the tide again.  Was that what I was supposed to do with Kacy?

But before I could really think about it, I looked up to see out of the corner of my eye, Drew!  And Shariah!?

Hey y'all,

 I just wanted to let you know I will be trying to post daily.  We are starting to wrap up this book.  It has come a long way in just this far.  But don't worry.  There will be a sequel.  

And just so you know.  I was not planning on ending the book quite like this chapter.  I know that some of the boys might be portrayed a different way than they act in reality.  But trust me.  There is a reason.  When I bring up the girls, (like Shariah), it's because they have meaning in this story.  They help pull it along.  Please let me know if I go too far in your opinion. 

And again.  All rights are reserved.  It is not your right to steal any thoughts, or ideas, or any part of my story.  Including the plot.  The rights are reserved because this is my story. There will be more.  I promise you that.  But you must stay active to see the new recent content.  There will be more updates soon!


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