bristol banta

213 26 19

so today i went to bristol w my auntie and bro

it was only her second time on the motorway lmao (she's 18)

she was swearing a lot

changing lanes a lot

pissing people off a lot

she went the wrong way so many times

on the way there she kept changing lanes, to the wrong one, about 12 times

that was funny asf

we finally got to the mall tho

surprised we didn't die ngl

on the way back she went in the wrong lane so she swerved

this guy was like


she was like

"eh, sorry m8"

then kept driving


i got a new hoodie (in pic above)

it was on sale woop

we also went to lush and i got a bath bomb and bubble bar

so cute

and smells amazing

i came home and my mum scolded me for 'bringing home hardly any change' like i bought £8 something out of £30 that's good for me

stfu mum

jk ily


that's all

ooh also

the uk is like really rainy atm

i got soaked



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