the last few months of my life

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hey guys, so recently i've been ill. we still don't fully know what it is, the doctors can't work it out but i've been ill for about 8 months, i haven't been to school in 8 months, i haven't seen my friends in 8 months. basically i haven't lived for like 8 months and i hate it.

i miss my friends, i miss school (wow never thought i'd say that), i just miss everything. basically with this illness, i have been in constant pain for 8 months, i haven't been able to sit, walk or bend over for the last 8 months.

i've had crutches to help with walking for the past 6 months, ive had physio therapy to help bc i lost all feeling in my right leg, ive been in hospital multiple times and i have had an insane amount of blood tests done.

i've had multiple medications prescribed to me, i'm like a walking talking pharmacy right now.

there is some good news tho, over the last 2 months i have taken my illness and well being into my own hands, i have worked on moving my legs, sitting, bending, anything i possibly can to get better and it's working. slowly but surely i am getting better! i can nearly fully walk without crutches, i can move my right leg on my own and i'm even getting closer to sitting.

as soon as i can do all of that properly i can go back to school!! u guys have no idea how excited i am to go back, ive had to have tutoring so that i don't fall too far behind, it's going to be tough to catch-up but hopefully i can do it.

the downside of this illness is that my asthma, anxiety and claustrophobia has gotten 100x worse, i have to take my inhaler everywhere, i can't be around multiple people at the same time (this will be a struggle with school), i'm constantly having panic attacks and have to isolate myself from everyone just to calm myself down.

my parents are doing their best to look after me, it's kind of hard when you have 4 other siblings to look after. my parents are amazing, the amount of time they've spent with me to make sure i'm okay over these last few months is amazing, my dad has to book days off of work to take me to hospital and my mums with me for every appointment, i couldn't ask for better parents.

overall, these last few months have been tough, really tough. but all of my friends have been so supportive and even tho they can't see me, they still talk to me everyday.

another plus side from being ill for all this time, i discovered wattpad and have made such amazing friends from it. everyone seems to love my comments and i get so many messages saying things like "your comments kill me" or "your comments are so funny" and seeing those brighten my day.

i love you all

stay cool

adios bitcachos

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