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so i've copied everyone else but idc
here's some aPpReCiAtiOn paragraphs for some people im thankful for :))

2018 overall was pretty shit
but ig meeting all of you guys made it a little more bearable ;)

so uh, yeah;

regan - you're my best friend and i wouldn't change that for the world. thank you for always being there for me and i can't wait to see you in june ;) ily xo

kai - thanks for being such a good friend for the past however many months we've been friends,, yeah we've argued.. a lot but eh we always work it out. thanks for letting me rant to you even though you prolly hate it but oh well, love you really <33

annabelle - we legit got so close this year and ugh it makes me so freaking happy. you're probably the first person i'd go to for advice bc i can can always depend on you for help. i'll try my best to come to aussie soon,, ily xo

alec - okay so like, thanks for always being able to make me laugh or smile no matter how i'm feeling. i don't think anyone can cheer me up as easily as you can. i love our calls although you tease me and make fun of me. loveu xo

kylee - we don't talk tHaT much but thank you so much for being a great friend. i feel like i could tell you anything and you wouldnt judge me xo

kiyah - ugh where do i even start? okay so thank you so freaking much for being my friend. i could literally trust you with anything and you know you can trust me too. i really wanna see you soon, come to the uk pls? ily xo

trinity - okay so even though we hardly talk i know that if i need someone to talk to, you'll be there. you're gorgeous, you're kind, you're accepting. i cant even express how much ily xo

han - sometimes we'll talk on snapchat and tbh, i actually love it. like you're tricking hilarious and you make me laugh sm, whether it's your snaps on the jenzay gc or just our private chats, you never seem to fail at making me smile. ilu xo

maya - okay so we've recently started talking and boy do i love our conversations. you are hilarious, vERY relatable and you always seem to put a smile on my face when you text me. uwu💞💓💗💖💕

if i haven't mentioned you, don't be offended. i feel like i've forgotten some people but for the life of me, i can't remember who. but if i haven't mentioned you i still love you and am very thankful for you💕💘💖💗💓💞

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