easter woop

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lmao so today we went to my grandmas for an easter egg hunt, it was me, my mum n dad and my 4 bros

so first my mum and one of my brothers hid the easter stuff, eggs/chocolate stuff and it took them like 30 mins bc my grandmas house is massive and there's a basement/seller thing, ground floor, first floor and a top/attik floor and bc there was loads of chocolate

so there we are, 30 mins later "running" around the house while i'm here crutching around bc i still can't walk and we hear my grandma go "YOU CANT EAT THE CHOCOLATE UNTIL AFTER DINNER" WHICH WE WERE HAVING LATER AT MY HOUSE SO WE HAD TO WAIT FOREVER

i was so pissed so like i started stomping my crutches really hard on the floor bc i was so annoyed, and right my grandma has these really creepy clowns that sit on top of her wardrobe thing on the first floor and i stg they move

anyways, bc i was stomping my crutches one fell off the wardrobe and bc i got scared i crutched away, 2 seconds later all i hear is "AHHHH MUMMY THE CLOWNS ON THE FLOOR IT MOVED OFF THE WARDROBE" and i'm just in the bathroom looking for eggs, pissing myself

i started laughing so hard i nearly had an asthma attack and my mum gives me the deadliest glare ever, like if looks could kill i would be long gone

but overall, we did like 3 easter hunts, it was so funny bc everyone got pissed when someone found more stuff than the other did, like my brother william found loads and charlie was like "I CANT FIND ANY UGH" and i was just eating the chocolate in my grandmas bathroom so she wouldn't catch me hehe

but yeah, how was ur guys' easter?

also i'm pregnant, thought i'd tell u guys


that was a bad joke, k bye

love you all

stay cool

adios bitchachos

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