Chapter 1

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A ringing in my ears startles me awake, and I slowly roll over and groan. Stupid alarm clock. My mood suddenly brightens as I realize that today, I am finally a high school senior! I don’t have many friends, but I don’t need many. The only one I need is the one who can bring me to a cutting end. That friend would be my razor. I roll out of bed and grab a towel, then head off to the shower.

Once I’m out, I blow-dry my hair, making sure to take care of the chocolate-brown and reddish curls. I apply some makeup, then get dressed in a navy blue, knee-length, ruffled skirt. I grab my lacy white tank top and shove it over my head, forgetting about my carefully-made hair. I tuck it into my skirt, making sure to flatten all the creases. Finally, I grab my black flats and book bag, then head downstairs.

As usual, no one is home but me. I grab a bright red apple and head off to school, excitement flowing through my veins.

School looks exactly the same as it did last year, except for the fact that there’s extra graffiti from all the hyper students that went crazy at the end of last year. I go over to my locker to see Mary leaning against it, arms crossed and a huge grin on her face.

 "Lily! Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you at all  during the summer!"

"Wow, calm down Mary,” I tell her, looking over both my shoulders to see if anyone is noticing her high-pitched squeals. “I cannot handle this...”

Mary ignores me and continues to blab on. "Did you hear about the new teacher? Mr. Clee. He is, like, 24 and super smoking hot!"

I roll my eyes. "Uh, no, I didn’t hear about him. What does he teach? Probably Tech?"

"No, he teaches your fave subject... Math!" May giggles from her sarcastic remark as I roll my eyes for the second time.

"Well, shit, I suck at Math."

The bell rings, and I dig into my bag for my schedule.

"I know you do, but what do you have for homeroom? I have his class." Mary snatches my paper from my hands and squeals. "We have the same class!"

I turn and walk off in the direction of my homeroom as she rumbles on next to me. I really do love Mary, but she needs to stop talking after a while. She is way too hyper.

We walk into class and take a seat next to our friend, Matt. We have a little conversation about the summer until someone clears their throat. The entire class simultaneously looks up to see Mr. Clee. I instantly stop talking and look at his beautiful deep brown eyes, unlike mine which are a deep blue color. Lily was right. He was gorgeous.

Mr. Clee stares back at me, which sends shivers up my spine. He quickly looks away but keeps looking in my direction, as I continue to stare at him. All the girls, including Mary, are staring longingly as he talks about the class and what we will be doing further on in the year. Ava, the school slut, raises her hand.

“Are you single?” she asks without being given permission to speak. She grins devilishly at him and runs her hand through her hair. “If not, I’ll make you single.” She winks at him, and I can feel my blood boil. What a slut. Although, I shouldn’t care. But for some reason, I do.

Mr. Clee ignores her and instead answers multiple questions about his personal life. Most of the girls are asking very personal questions.

We all learn that he is not a virgin and is single. Apparently, he just got out of college, which proves how cheap our school is. Oh well.

He takes attendance, but I notice something about his voice. It’s not the usual deep voice like most guys have. It’s even deeper and rougher, which makes the girls want him even more.

The bell suddenly rings, and I notice all the girls suddenly blink and pout, as if they were really interested about who was absent and who was here.

Off to next class...

The day finishes quickly, and I walk over to the Burger Queen next to the school. The sun was blinding my vision, and I could feel myself bump into something. Or someone.

I looked up at Mr. Clee, then down at myself. My chest was covered in his spilled coffee, and I could see some of it dripping down his wrist which held the coffee cup.

"Lily, I am so sorry. Come up to my classroom and iIwill give you my spare shirt."

I follow him up there but Matt texts me saying, *Hey y r u going back into school with Mr.Clee?* I ignore the text and see Mr. Clee looking at my chest...

Hey, if anyone is reading this and likes this please vote, comment, and become a fan. I’m always welcoming new advice and tips. :) I would like to give a BIG thanks to my editor :) She is the very best!!

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