Chapter 2

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I wake up to my 8 am alarm. I hop in the shower and enjoy the warm water falling against my body. As soon as I step out and look in the mirror, I notice the bruises around my throat are starting to disappear. My busted lip is starting to heal and my black eye is now brown. I still don't look the greatest, but at least they are healing. I sit on my bed and wrap my hands around the coffee cup and take a sip. I take a deep breath to relax, but end up coughing from what I'm guessing are bruised ribs. I could sit here for hours and just enjoy the peace and quite. I'm going to love it here.

It's 9 am and I'm heading out of the door to my new job. I arrive at 9:15. The manager, Bob walks in and looks stunned to see me, "Good Morning Mia, you're here quite early." I smile, "I wanted to make sure I had enough time to change into my uniform and learn how the restaurant worked, so that I wouldn't be a hinderance." He chuckles, "enthusiastic, it will get you far in this world. Go into the back, there is a closet full of t-shirts. Put one on and take 10 with you, when you head home. The t-shirts are your uniform." I nod and head into the back. Once I change, I come out to find Bob sitting at the bar. He ushers me to him. "Okay Mia, my niece will be here shortly. I will introduce you to her, she will be the one training you. I believe you two will get along well." I nod "oh and Mia, don't forget to smile and have fun." He pats me on the shoulder.

A young woman, about my age walks in. She has long black hair and tan skin. She looks right at me and smiles, "hi, my name is Sophia. What's your name?" I smile back, "I'm Mia." Bob interrupts us, "Soph, you will train Mia for two weeks and then she can handle waitressing on her own." We both nod. Sophia grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. She starts to explain where everything is.

As our day goes on, she tells me stories about her crazy Italian family. She explains how loud they are, but she loves it and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm kind of envious. I wish I had a big family. I wouldn't care if they were loud and obnoxious. As long as they truly loved me, that would be all I needed. We laughed and giggled. I really liked her.

At the end of the day, Sophia puts her hand on my arm, "hey Mia, if you want, you can come over and have dinner with my family. They are always entertaining." I take a deep breath, "thank you for the offer Sophia, I truly appreciate it. But, I'll probably head home." She gives me a sad smile, "look, I know there is more to you than meets the eye, I can see the old bruises under the new ones. I'm not going to pry, but just know that you now have people in your corner. My uncle has taken a liking to you. Not in a pervy way or anything, but you remind him of his daughter that passed away. I know you don't look like her, but your personality is similar. Sweet, caring, sassy, enthusiastic and full of life. Don't ever let anyone take that spark away from you." I laugh, "so wise for a 20-year- old." She pushes my shoulder, "same age as you. You know people always say you look like one parent, who do you favor?" I smile, thinking of my Mom, "my Mother. I look exactly like her - blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, freckles, full lips, 5'5 and a petite waist. Although I was not blessed with her bigger breast, but that's okay I got hips instead. It's better than nothing I suppose." Sophia chuckles, "your beautiful Mia, regardless of your breast size. Well...I have to go to my crazy family dinner. Are you sure you do not want to join?" I sat there pondering, "why the hell not!" Sophia squeals with excitement.

One year later...

Sophia had become my best friend, or more like a sister. I've told her a few things about my past. I remember Gigi's words about the less people know, the better. I've always kept that in the back of my mind. All Sophia knows is, my ex was abusive and I ran away from him. I told her that was all I could tell her. I also got really close with Bob. He was like the Dad I never had. He sometimes took me fishing. He never asked about the day I came into his restaurant with a bruised face and busted lip. I wish I could have thanked him for never prying. It's like he just knew.

I may not have a great past or biological family, but I created my own family and I love them dearly. Sophia's family basically welcomed me with open arms. When she said they were loud and Italian, she wasn't wrong, but I loved every second. I also got pretty close to Sophia's mom during this time. I help her and Sophia bake and I come to family night every week. I never knew I could be so happy.

Although I feel my heart could burst with joy, I know deep down, one day it will all come to an end. I still have nightmares about my past and about the day I will have to fight for my life when my ex, Nick or my father, Henry, find me. I have a lot of anxiety thinking about that day. But, I will enjoy what I have now.

I also started my business classes again. Thanks to Tyler for changing my name on my original transcripts, I got into the College of Charleston and am finishing my degree in Marketing, with a minor in business administration. I just finished my Junior year and will start my senior year in the fall. Thank God, it's summer break!

I'm working the evening shift at Bob's restaurant, Emma's Corner. It 9pm, only two more hours until we shut this place down. Uh...11 cannot come sooner. Don't get me wrong, I love working here, I've just dealt with shitty customers today and my patience is wearing very thin.

The door opens and I see three tall and incredibly attractive men walk in. One looks extremely intoxicated, while the other two are helping him inside the entrance. The drunk guy looks to be about 6'0, lean, black hair and olive skin color. The man on his right is taller, black hair - African American, with broad shoulders and very fit. He's really attractive. He sees me behind the bar and smiles. Attractive and friendly. The man slightly behind him, is extremely attractive, muscular, broad shoulders, his t-shirt clings to his washboard abs, sandy brown hair, ice blue eyes and sun kissed skin - I don't think I've ever seen a man so beautiful. Oh God, he's staring right at me. I look away from them and start putting away glasses behind the bar. Sophia comes up to me, "hey Mia, do you mind getting their drink and food order. I have to go talk to my Uncle, I'll be right back." I nod to her. She walks away and I grab my pen and paper

I head towards the table. My heart beating profusely. I feel like it's going to jump out of my chest. I approach their table. "Hi, what can I get you gentlemen to drink." The drunk man looks at face and slowly scans my body, "I'll have a tall glass of you." The African American man puts his fist to his mouth and starts chuckling. The blue-eyed man stares at me with a smirk.

My eyebrows furrow. You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm not dealing with this bullshit after the day I've had.

I take a deep breath, "I'm not on the menu, what would you like to drink?" The blue-eyed man speaks up, "we will all have water." Before the drunk man could protest, I quickly turned on my heels and walk away. God damn it Sophia. Hurry your ass up. I can't take these three today.

I walk back to their table with the waters. "What can I get you to eat?" The two sober gentlemen gave me their orders and then the drunk idiot gets a huge smirk on his face and I could believe the words that came out of his mouth.

"What if what I want is not on the menu?" I clench my teeth. I'm ready to beat his fucking ass. "If it's not on the menu, then it's not fucking available." I spat.

His eyes widen, "okay, okay, no need to get aggressive." My jaw contracts, god I'm so pissed, I snatch the menus out the blue-eyed man's hands. I turn and walk away.

Just as the three are getting up to leave I notice the blue-eyed man walk over to me. "Hey I'm sorry about Lee. He had a little too much to drink tonight." I clinch my teeth, "oh? What made you think that?" My sarcasm rising to the top.

He looks at me, emotionless, "I'm Aiden by the way. My other friend is Caleb." My head was starting to throb from all of the idiots and rudeness I've dealt with today and these three just added the cherry on top of a shitty day. I look directly at him, "I don't give a shit."

He stood there for a second and looked at me. The corner of his mouth curved into a mischievous grin, "Do you need help getting that stick out of your ass?" He winks and grabs his keys and walks out of the restaurant. What a fucking prick.

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