Chapter 4

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We enter the crowded club. I could feel the sweat dripping from everyone dancing. Sophia grabs me and Julia and pulls us to the dance floor. We spend time dancing and swaying to the music. After a couple of songs, I look at Sophia and Julia, "do you guys want a drink." Both nod to me. I make my way to the bar.

I haven't even asked the bartender for drinks before I notice a man eyeing me. I look towards him and he smiles. He uncrosses his arms and strolls towards me. "Wow...I don't believe I've ever seen such a beautiful woman before." He puts his hand to his chest - I'm sensing sarcasm. I squint my eyes at him, "could you be any more cliche?" He nods and puts both arms on the bar, "are you a piece of art, because I'd like to nail you against the wall." I busted out laughing, "does that shit actually work on women?" He chuckles, "sadly yes, but I can see your not one of them." I shake my head, "no, I'm not." He puts a hand on mine, making me extremely uncomfortable. "Okay then, let's cut the bullshit. I want to fuck you." I lean towards him, "cutting the bullshit - no thanks." I look back at him and I can see I hurt his ego. He moves on to his next prey. Grabbing the drinks I head towards Sophia and Julia.

I hand Julia her drink and then Sophia. She looks at me with a smirk, "you have sparked the interested of Mr. blue eyes." I see her pointing to Caleb, Lee and Aiden seated in a booth. Aiden is watching me and his eyes are roaming over my body. I swear he is following me. I shrug my shoulders and start dancing with Julia. I watch Sophia as she makes her way towards Caleb and his table. I roll my eyes and continue to dance, trying to take my mind off of her recklessness. As I'm dancing, I feel hands wrap around my hips. I turn around and see some random guy smiling at me. I try to move away from him, but he grabs my arm. "Where are you going baby? We were having fun." I try to push his arm away, "let go of me." He pulls me closer towards him, squishing our bodies together. I try to squirm out of his grasp. When all of a sudden, a fist lands on his face. And a hand grabs my arm pulling me towards what felt like a brick wall. With a hand resting on my arm and my hands resting on a hard surface, I stare at the man laying on the floor. I'm in complete shock with what just happened. Suddenly I feel someone shaking my arm and grabbing my face, looking into two ice blue eyes. "Mia, Mia. MIA! Are you okay?" I shake my head and look back down at the man, grabbing his bloody nose. " his nose." I ripped my arm out of Aiden's grasp and run outside. Tears rolling down my cheek.

I hear Aiden behind me, yelling my name. As soon as I reach outside I feel a hand grab mine and spin me, "Mia, what's wrong?" I rip my hand out of his, "don't fucking touch me." Tears flowing, I can see Caleb, Lee, Julia and Sophia following behind Aiden. Aiden holds up his hands, "God, are you fucking kidding me? I was trying to help you." I point towards the door, "you broke his fucking nose." He clenches his teeth, "that's what your mad about? Because I broke his nose? Are you serious?! He wasn't taking no for an answer. He wasn't respecting you." I shake my head, "that's not your problem and breaking his nose was extreme."

His eyes widen, "wow, I can't do anything right with you. You know what, forget it. I won't come near you." I take a deep breath, "thank you." If looks could kill. He shakes his head and brushes by my shoulder to walk away from me.

Sophia runs to me, "what the hell Mia? That was really harsh." The tears stop flowing and I'm consumed with anger. Aiden hitting that guy flooded my mind with all of the past memories of Nick and Henry beating me. I became so angry. I walk down the sidewalk and grab a cab home.

I unlocked my apartment door and flop on my bed. Seeing that man curled up on the floor, holding his broken nose, brought back memories of me curled up being beaten. Praying to a God that he would take my life. The tears quickly turn to sobs. Eventually I cry myself to sleep.

The next morning I get up and decide to go for a run to clear my head. I run down Main Street towards a park. I can't believe Aiden's anger outburst. Actually I can...all men have anger problems.

I enter the park - I see Sophia and Caleb by the pond. I roll my eyes and make my way down the path. Sophia sees me and runs towards me and grabs my shoulder. "Mia, what is wrong with you? You disappeared last night and then you just completely ignore me! Who are you?" I was so angry. She took his side all because of Caleb. "You know what Sophia, I need some time." She grabs my hand. "I know this has to do with your past. Aiden is a good man. Not every man in this world is out to get you. You really need to apologize to him. He was trying to help you. Yes, he was a little drastic, but he felt like that guy should have respected you."

Caleb walks up, "hey Mia. Look, Aiden is really big on respecting boundaries. Fuck...he would kill me for saying this, but he's really into you. He watched guys check you out and hit on you all night and he couldn't do anything about it because you told him to stop following you and to leave you alone. So when that guy crossed the line, he got really pissed off. He has some anger issues, but he's working through them. He's one of the good ones, I promise."

I take a deep breath, "okay. I will apologize to him that next time I see him." Sophia shakes her head, " know he's going to avoid you, he's trying to respect your boundaries. You have to reach out to him." I shake my head, "no, and it's not up for debate." I kiss her on the cheek and finish my run.

The week goes by and Sophia and Julia spend time with Caleb and Lee. I haven't seen Aiden since our confrontation a week ago.

Friday morning comes and I meet with Bob to discuss the new posters I am to design before the restaurant opens for the day. Bob is sitting in his office with his door open in the back. I walk into the kitchen and grab hand towels, "hey Bob, what's your thoughts on me giving you pink hair on the new poster?" I laugh. I hear him chuckle, "how about you make me skinny instead." I walk by his door, "Bob, you're perfect. I wouldn't trade you for the world." He waves me off, "yeah yeah, sarcasm will get you no where." I huff, "sarcasm has gotten me everywhere." I wink and laugh as I walk to the bar and see a tall, muscular figure standing there.

Aiden is standing at the bar with his hands in his pockets. While Sophia rounds the bar and closes the kitchen doors behind me. I turn to look at Sophia through the door and she motions me with her eyes towards Aiden. I look at Aiden and he looks pissed. My palms start to sweat, this is not going to end well.

"Sophia and Caleb said you wanted to talk." His deep voice makes me jump. I stare at his ice blue eyes, filled with anger. I stepped towards the bar, "I did. I wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you in general and for last Friday night." I can see his jaw flexing. He can probably hear my heart thumping against my rib cage.

"You're apologizing for your behavior towards me in general?" He asks. I nod my head, "yes, I...well...frankly I was a bitch to you and I shouldn't have been. Besides our first encounter, you've been nothing but nice to me. So, I'm sorry."

His face lights up. I don't think I've ever seen a person this genuinely happy from an apology.

He smirks, "you can make it up to me by going bowling with the fives of us tonight." I sat there thinking, "Okay." Aiden walks away and I tend to customers.

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