Chapter 25

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The next morning I get up before Sophia. I decide the room coffee sucks, so I make my way down to the cafeteria to grab a coffee.

I'm pouring me a cup and a deep voices surprises me, "Good Morning beautiful." I turn to see Aiden, looking sexy. He's wearing a tank top and basketball shorts. My eyes travel down to his chiseled pecks and toned abs. They are engraved in my mind...mmmm.

"See something you want Mia?" His intense eyes, watching me check him out. I blush. Dear God, I cannot handle another day of sexual tension.

"Nope." I smile and turn to walk towards the elevator. I need to get far away from him right now. My body will betray me.

I get to the elevator and push the up button. Aiden comes up and stands directly next to me. Is it me, or did someone turn up the heat?

The door opens and I step in, Aiden following. The door closes and it's just us two. I watch the numbers at the top...I could cut the tension with a knife. I can see him watching me out of the corner of my eye. I take a deep breath, "I don't hate you Aiden."

His eyes rake over me, searching for something. He steps close to me, facing me. My body is burning at a million degrees, with our faces an inch apart. The butterflies are swarming my stomach and he hasn't even touched me. He looks down at my lips and before I could even say anything he claims them. His hand intertwines in my hair, pulling my face closer. I wrap my arms around him, careful not to spill my coffee. Our kiss becomes more passionate and needy.

Aiden breaks our kiss and leans his forehead against mine, smiling ear to ear. "Thank you." He breathes deeply.

"For?" I asked.

"Not hating me and...letting me in. Even if it's just a little." He says with hand on the side of my face. His intense gaze leaves me mesmerized. The elevator dings and we both walk out. Damn it...this was not supposed to happen. Everything is going to be awkward.

I walk into our room. "Hey! Where's mine?" Sophia whines, referring to my coffee.

"In the cafeteria." I smirk.

We get dressed and head down to the lobby. Aiden is standing next to Caleb, wearing shorts, a t-shirt and a ball cap. As we get closer, he's smirking at me. I can tell he's pleased with himself for the kiss in the elevator. I cannot let him get to me anymore. Although...he looks really good.

Caleb speaks up, "okay, where to now Mia?"

I sigh, "well, I want to visit a person that helped me the night I ran."

Caleb grabs Sophia's hand, "alright, what are we waiting for?"

We grab a cab and make our way to Gigi's house. I'm not even sure she lives there anymore, or if she is even home.

We drive into the middle of nowhere. "God Mia, are you sure this is a safe place? We are out in the middle of nowhere. How did you even get here?" Sophia asks.

We get out of the cab and a lady walks out to the front porch. I ignore Sophia and walk towards Gigi. She has her hand over her eyes and is squinting, trying to determine if she knows us. She looks directly at me and her eyes widen. "OH MY GOD! Mia, is that you?"

Tears start to run down my face. "Yes, Gigi."

She runs down the steps and grabs me, hugging me tightly. Everyone makes their way to Gigi. She let's go of me and eyes me up and down, "wow....I knew you were beautiful, but just wow."

I blush, "thank you, I probably look at lot different without all of the bruises."

She nods and turns her attention to my friends. "Hi, I'm Gigi." She shakes everyone's hand.

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