Chapter 15

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Okay, I will probably be MIA this weekend. My husband is taking me away for our anniversary. So, I'm pushing out this chapter and a really intense one tomorrow. Hopefully, this will satisfy you until Sunday. Enjoy! :)

The week goes on and it's been hectic with work and school. I haven't see much of Aiden because we both have been busy.

I decide to stay with Sophia Friday night so that we could get ready for the military ball together.

Saturday morning...

I wake up on Sophia's bed. I notice she's gone, but I hear her in the kitchen. I walk down the hall, smelling coffee. I look at her and she's making pancakes.

She turns and sees me, "Good morning! Coffee?"

My eyes widen, "yes, please!" She pours me a cup and hands it me. I walk to the window of her apartment and watch tourists shopping.

I turn towards her, "do you need help?"

She shakes her head, "no, but I need to tell you something." I nod at her. "Caleb asked me to move in with him when they get back from their mission."

My eyes widen, "what did you say?"

She takes a deep breath, "I said yes! God Mia, I'm so in love with him. He's sweet, charming, fucking hotter than hell, amazing at sex, our family loves him and he's able to handle my temper. He's the total package...kind of like Aiden." She winks at me.

I smirk and shake my head. "You're in love with him, aren't you?" She asks me.

My stomach clenches. "Yes, but I'm not telling him yet."

Sophia leans toward me, "Mia, stop being oblivious. That man is so in love with you. You should tell him how you feel.

I shake my head, "no, I'm not ready to put my heart out there yet. It's not up for discussion."

After we eat breakfast and talk, Sophia makes her way to the bathroom. I walk in and she is rollin her hair in curling rods. I chuckle, "what are you doing?"

She rolls her eyes, "hey! I have thick hair and I want to look good for Caleb."

After getting our makeup and hair ready, Sophia walks into her bedroom and I follow suit. Sofia slips on beautiful red dress that is a bit revealing for me, but she pulls it off elegantly.

 Sofia slips on beautiful red dress that is a bit revealing for me, but she pulls it off elegantly

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I look at her, stunned. "Damn...Sophia. Caleb will not be able to keep his hands to himself."

She smirks, "that's the plan.

I go to slip on my dress and Sophia whistles at me in my lingerie. "Stop," I blush.

I slip on a green dress that is tight on the top and at my waist, but flows at my thighs. The color was a little bold, but I liked it.

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