Chapter 10

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Going to warn you, I don't know much about the US Military and their rules at the office. Bear with me, please.

Also, thanks for the votes! I'm not going to beg you for them. I only write because I actually enjoy it. I have a demanding job, so I will try to update as much as possible. Thanks!

The week goes by and I feel like I'm over thinking my date with Aiden on Friday.

Thursday morning...

I enter the restaurant to ask Bob about leaving early tomorrow. I knock on his door, "hey, you got a sec?" I ask nervously.

He nods, "of course love." I step in and sit in front of his desk.

"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I took a half day tomorrow?" I ask.

He leans back in his chair and strokes his beard, "does this have anything to do with you missing family night two weekends ago?"

I blush, "possibly." I say.

He puts his hands on the desk, "I'll make a deal with you. You can leave whenever you need tomorrow, as long as you bring him Saturday night to the family dinner. Plus, I want you there, because we have something important to talk about."

I take a deep breath, "deal."

I go to the bar and start getting ready for the lunch rush. Sophia walks up to give me her customers drink order. "Sooo....I heard your leaving early tomorrow. Where are you going?" She asks.

I shake the container, making a drink. "Aiden is taking me shooting at his work and then he's making me dinner at his house."

Her eyes widen, "is this the proper date he was referring to?" She asks.

My heart thumps thinking about his comment last weekend about taking me on a proper date before we take things further, sexually. "I honestly don't know. I've been stressing all week about it. I don't know what to do. Should I pack a bag of clothes, or not? I don't want him to think I'm insinuating we are going to have sex."

She laughs shaking her head, "you think too much. Pack a bag and put it in your trunk. He will never know you were prepared. If you aren't ready, you don't feel like you gave him the wrong impression. But, you have it just in case you decide you can't keep your hands off of him. Which I'm not going to lie...that man is sex on legs." She winks at me.

"God...I fucking know Soph. He turns me on, just thinking about him." I say exhausted.

I finish work and head home. I get to my room and ponder about packing a bag or not. What to do, what to do. So...I pack a fucking bag. Ugh...what am I doing? I'm never like this.

The next morning I get up to head into work for a little while and throw my bag in the trunk. I arrive at work and find Sophia counting cash in the register. I walk up to her, "hey." She smirks, "so, did you pack a bag?"

My chest roses, "yes." I say.

She gets a huge smile on her face and comes around the bar, "you better tell me everything tomorrow morning before the family dinner. Speaking of, Uncle Bob said you were bringing someone special. Does this special someone have a name of Aiden?"

I purse my lips, "I agreed to it, but I haven't asked Aiden yet. So, it may not even happen."

She shakes her head, "the way that man looks at you, I'm sure he will jump at the chance."

I get off work early and change into jeans, a gray tank top, a gray and red plaid shirt, and sneakers. I soon head to Aiden's work. I arrive at the gate and the guard has me on his list of visitors. I drive in and park my car. I see Aiden leaning against a brick building, wearing his
camp uniform and boots. He looks so sexy just in his work clothes.

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