Chapter 14

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We enter my bedroom and he gently places me on the bed. He starts to remove the rest of his clothing. I watch him...with my body on fire. "What are you doing now?" I ask.

He climbs on me, kissing up my thighs. He grins, "I fucked you in the kitchen, like you asked. Now I'm going to take my time and make love to you."

A few hours later...

He really meant he was going to make love to me. God, he's so amazing in every aspect.

I lay on his chest, both of us breathing heavy from our love making. Our naked bodies intertwined, I run my fingers along his scar, circling it. "I have a mission and I will be leaving in a couple of weeks. I will only be gone for a month." Aiden looks down at me.

I lift up with worried eyes, "where are you going? Is it dangerous?"

He sighs, "baby, I can't tell you where I'm going. But, Caleb and Lee are going on the same mission with me, so I'll be safer with them. They are my brothers and always have my back."

I clench my teeth, thinking about every possible, terrible thing that could happen to him. He pulls my face, "stop Mia. Stop thinking about what could happen. I'm going to be okay. I promise to come right back to you." He says, trying to make light of the situation.

I look into his eyes, searching for honesty. "You promise?" I say.

He starts rubbing up and down my sides. "I promise." He starts putting kisses all over my face.

I pull back from him, "will you stay tonight?" I ask.

He nods, "yes, but I'll have to leave early to go to work in the morning."

I start kissing his chest, I can feel him getting aroused again. "Speaking of work, I thought you worked today." Giving him a confused look.

"I did, but Caleb, Lee and I found out about the mission this morning and Roger let us leave early. I knew you were studying, but I didn't want you to think I was hiding this from you. So, I went home to change clothes and came here." Aiden searching my eyes for acceptance.

Aiden gets up and pulls me out of bed. "Go take a shower and I'll make us lunch." He walks out of my bedroom, heading into the kitchen.

I stand in the shower, thinking about everything that has happened today. I'm falling hard and fast for him.

I get out of the shower and pull on a long sleeved shirt, jeans and converse shoes.

I walk into the kitchen and Aiden has made me a grilled cheese. It's weird that I find the simplest things about him attractive.

"Hope you don't mind grilled cheese. There's not much to cook in your kitchen." He chuckles.

I hop on the counter next to him and grab my sandwich, "mmm....I love grilled cheese. Plus, I'm not home a lot with work, family, you and our friends. It doesn't leave me much time for grocery shopping." I wink at Aiden.

Aiden leans against the counter and eats his grilled cheese. "What are we doing today?" I ask, watching him.

He turns towards me, "there is a festival going on, downtown. I thought we could go to it?"

I smile, "sounds good." I jump off the counter and run into my bedroom to get my purse. I walk back into the kitchen and I see him laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask.

He grabs his keys, "you. You are very excited about this festival."

I look at him with a raise eyebrow, "well duh...festivals always have amazing food. Plus, I like spending time with you...outside of the bedroom too." I give him a suggestive wink.

He chuckles and shakes his head; grabbing my hand to head outside.

We arrive to the downtown festival and the street is lined with vendors and white tents. I haven't been to one, but I've heard about them.

Aiden and I walk hand-in-hand down the street looking at booths. We stop at this jewelry vendor and she has a bright colored stone bracket. I pick it up and admire it, it's a very beautiful piece. Aiden's voice surprises me, by how close he is. "What? No glitter or jewels?"

I scrunch my nose, "naa...I'm not into glitter. It's probably why I like action movies. I guess I like the...being on the edge of your seat feeling, waiting for big explosions. I know...fucking weird."

He grins, "no, not weird. I figured out that you like big explosions." He turns to walk away from him.

I drop the bracket, "was that a sexual innuendo?" I gasp.

He throws his head back and chuckles, "it can be whatever you want it to be." He turns and grabs my face, kissing me hard.

I blush and push him away because people are starting to stare. We make our way to an ice cream vendor. I order chocolate and Aiden orders strawberry. Aiden steps up to pay for both. "Aiden...I got mine."

He shakes his head, "no. I'm paying."

I huff, "Aiden...I'm serious."

He hands the lady money for both ice cream cones. "Mia, it's $4. It's not a big deal. I can afford a $4 ice cream cone." He hands me the chocolate ice cream cone.

I take a deep breath, "it's not about you not being able to afford it, it's about me wanting to feel independent. I don't want to depend on a man."

He chuckles as we walk down the street. "Mia, I hardly think a $4 ice cream cone would make you feel independent. But, if it's that big of a deal to you, I won't pay for everything when we are out, only most things."

I roll my eyes, knowing there is no point in arguing with him.

We walk down towards a park and sit on the bench. I look at Aiden eating his ice cream. "Have you ever had a serious relationship before me?" I ask.

He stops eating his ice cream and stares out at the park, "so...we are having the ex's conversation?"

I shrug my shoulders, "you know a little bit about mine, but I really know nothing about your past relationships."

He sits there, his eyes roaming the park. "Well...I had a serious girlfriend three years ago, her name was Emily. We were together for a year and I thought I was deeply in love with her. At that time, I was working a lot and going overseas on missions. I had just come home from a mission and Emily had packed all of her stuff. I stood in the living room of our apartment, as she told me she had been seeing someone. She said the man that she was seeing had a lot more money than I did and could take care of her the way she deserved. I guess after that, I quit putting myself out there. I was afraid, I guess I'm still afraid that I will be left for something better."

"I think the saying goes, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I believe that. You're such a good man. She didn't deserve you." I say, grabbing his hand.

He grabs my head and claims my lips. I kiss him back with the same intensity.

I push away. "Can I ask you a question? Why me? Why did you pursue me?"

He smiles, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "You were completely different from Emily. Hell, you were completely different than any of the girls I messed around with. Realizing it now, Emily was too high maintenance for me. You, you fucking argue with me over a $4 ice cream cone because you don't want to be dependent on anyone." He says sternly. I blush.

He licks his ice cream cone and starts to continue. "The exact moment I knew I liked you, is when you told Lee off. Most girls swoon over Lee's good looks and his bad boy personality. You basically told him to fuck off. It was quite entertaining. You had such fire and I fell for it."

I kiss his lips lightly. He deepens the kiss by pulling me close to him.

This weekend has been amazing...

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