Chapter 28

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This is a chapter for mature audiences. I would skip this chapter if you are younger than 18, or if sexual content bothers you.

He's staring intensely into my eyes.

I want him so bad. I just want to feel him.

I decide to initiate these feelings, I smash my lips to his. He takes the hint and grabs my face, deepening our kiss. I pull his belt loops, pulling him towards me. I lift his shirt off of him and run my hands all over his body, kissing him more aggressively. He pulls my dress off, leaving me in my lingerie. He stops and stares at me, his eyes burn into my body. He pulls me back into him, devouring me with his mouth.

He walks us back to his bedroom, unclasping my bra. I'm trying to unbutton his pants quickly, trying to release the hard erection I know is throbbing in his pants - waiting for me. Adrenaline is pumping and I keep fiddling with the button. Aiden breaks our kiss and helps me with his pants.

His cock springs out and is standing tall and hard. My eyes widen. God, I forgot how big he is.

We continue walking down the hallway. He grabs my neck and smashes his lips to mine. He massages my panties and I moan in his mouth. He groans and rips them off of me. Fuck...I guess I didn't need them anyway.

Both of us naked, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel his dick, twitching against my core, feeling my wetness. He walks us into his bedroom and lays me on the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Mia?" He asks. His eyes pleading for my answer to be yes.

I nod, "yes, I've never wanted anything more in my life."

He groans and bends down, kissing my neck. "I've been wanting to hear that for a long time." He kisses further down.

I moan between his kisses. My hands rake through his hair, "fuck...Aiden. feel good."

He leans up, "baby, how many times have you thought about me making love to you last weekend?"

Blush spreads across my face. I pretty sure I can feel my arousal, soaking the bed beneath me. He leans toward my ear, I can feel his hot breath. "Baby, how many?"

I stuttter, "I...I don't know....6...maybe more."

He growles, "mmmm..." he starts kissing down my stomach...moving further down. My breath quickens with anticipation. His lips graze my skin. My hips grind towards his mouth.

"Don't worry baby, I plan on making you cum six times. Each orgasm for each time you thought about me fucking you." He kisses my inner thighs.

His words make me wetter. His tongue grazes my folds. My hands grab his hair. "Aiden..." I moan. He licks over my clit, sending a jolt of nerves to the pit of my stomach. I can feel the fire raging inside my body, ready for release - waiting for Aiden to tip me over the edge.

He grabs my thighs and brings me to his face. He thrusts his tongue in and out of me. Making my head throw back into the pillow. "Aiden...fuck."

He licks and sucks my clit, making my body convulse. He spreads my legs wider, giving himself complete access to ever crevasse of my body. He massages my thighs, making my entire body tingle. He licks and sucks more aggressively. I grind myself further into him. My body starts shaking. "Aiden...I'm cumming...oh....don't stop."

He sucker hard on me. I go to close my legs, feeling the intensity of my orgasm. He keeps my legs open, licking me more. Making my body uncontrollably shake.

I'm breathing heavy, trying to come down from my high. He comes up and smashes his lips to mine. His hands start to massage my breasts. He kisses down my throat. I feel one of his hands trailing down to my already sensitive area. He thrusts two fingers into me.

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