Chapter 22

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The next morning I get to work. Sophia runs up to me and throw her hands around me, "Mia, please stop ignoring me. I hate it when you're mad at me. I'm not apologizing, but I love you."

I chuckle, "I'm not mad anymore. I love you too . And...I think you were right..." I take a deep breath.

Her eyes widen, "wait...does that mean..."

My phone starts ringing. It's a number from California. My heart drops, I didn't have any friends when I lived in California. I pick up the call. "Hello?"

"Hi, may I please speak with Mrs. Gregory?"

"This is she." I scrunch my nose, thinking about how much I hate that name.

"Hi, Mrs. Gregory. My name is James Henson. I am the lawyer presiding over your husband and father's estates. Because they didn't have a written will, everything is left to you. Bank accounts, houses, vehicles, etc. I need you to come to California to sign and collect everything."

I sat there frozen...what the fuck?

"Mrs, Gregory?"

I take a deep breath, "I'm no longer Mrs, Gregory. I change my last name to Vinatieri. You can just call me Mia and I don't want any of it. Sell it."


"Mrs....Ms. Vinatieri, I would suggest you reconsider. It is quite a bit of money. You could sell everything yourself and cash out. You would be set for life with the amount of money you would receive."

I purse my lips, "if I wanted to donate it, what would I need to do?"


"Well...I would need to know the organizations you would like to make the donations to and you need to be here to sign all of the paper work."

"I want all donations to be made out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. I will fly out Friday to sign the paperwork." I smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Vinatieri"

I get off the phone and Sophia gives me a confused look. "Who was that?"

I smile, "we are going to California. I inherited my fathers's and ex-husband's estate. I'm donating it all to a domestic abuse charity."

Sophia wraps her arms around me again, "I'm so proud of you Mia."

I hear someone clear their throat. Sophia unwraps her arms and we turn to find a smirking Caleb.

"Baby, I don't mind. All of us can head into my car now." Caleb says seductively.

She leans over the counter and smacks him on the forehead. "I will beat the shit out of you." She glares.

He chuckles and rubs his forehead, "baby, I was just joking. I love you."

She comes around the counter towards him and points her finger at him, "you're so frustrating sometimes. You just like getting under my skin."

He turns her around towards the door, "you weren't complaining about me being under you last night." He smacks her ass, "go get in my vehicle...we can finish our argument there and then you can give me makeup sex." He breathes on her neck. She giggles and runs out to the car.

I miss that with Aiden. He was so charming and flirty. God...I miss that man, in more ways than one.

Im cleaning glasses and I hear a woman's voice.

"Excuse me?"

I lean up and my eyes widen...a beautiful brunette that could pass for a model - Emily.

"How can I help you?"

She smiles, "can I have a Long Island ice tea."

I nod and start making her a drink. I pour it into a glass and garnish it with a lemon. I set it in front of her on the counter. She picks up the drink and takes a sip, eyeing me.

Her eyes rake across my face and body, almost as if she's sizing me up. Look here bitch, I'm tougher than I look and I will demolish you.

"You're Mia, right?" She asks.

I nod, "yes."

She grins, "I'm Emily...I'm..."

I interrupt her, "I know who you are. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I say emotionless.

She sets her drink on the counter. "Well I thought you should know that Aiden and I have a date Saturday night. I want him back and I always get what I want. I suggest you move on." Her voice laced with venom.

I grab her drink and throw the liquid into the sink. "How did that work out with your rich boyfriend? Did he get tired of you? Is that why you're here...desperate for Aiden's attention? You over looked a detail in your plan, Aiden also always gets what he wants. Are you sure it's you?" I smirk. I start rinsing out her glass.

She smacks her hands on the table, "I'm going to fuck Aiden Saturday. He's all man. All I have to do is show him a little ass. He will pound me into his pillows, making me moan and scream him name. Once we've both orgasms, he will be begging me to deep throat his cock." She turns and walks out the door.

I take the glass cup and throw it right next to the door she is walking out of. She jumps and turns to look at me with widen eyes. She huffs and then leaves.

I feel like I could break this countertop in half. God, I want to rip out her fucking hair.

I walk over to the glass and start to pick it up, throwing it away. I realize I had cut my hand in the process. I walk over to the sink behind the bar and try to get it to stop bleeding.

I see Caleb and Sophia walk in with sex hair and clothes. I shake my head. They are so ridiculous...but funny.

They come up to the counter. Sophia looks down at the blood in the sink. "Oh my god Mia! What happened?"

She runs around the counter and grabs my hand. "Ow...stop that fucking hurts!" I yell.

She scowls at me, "why do you have glass in your hand?"

I look up, giving her an embarrassed look, "I threw a glass cup."

Caleb's eyes widen, "at who?" He asks.

I grin, "Emily."

Sophia grabs tweezers from her purse. Her face hardens, "What did she say?"

I take a deep breath, "ow...hey!"

Sophia grips my hand, "stop being a baby. I'm almost done. Now, what did she say to make you throw a fucking glass?"

Caleb still watching me. "She told me she wanted Aiden back and she always gets what she wants. I told her that Aiden always gets what he wants too and asked if she was sure he wanted her. She got pissed and told me they have a date Saturday and she's going to fuck him and then....proceeded to tell me how she plans on doing it. I got mad as she walked out of the door and threw a glass towards her. It surprised her, it shatter. Now I have it in my hand...end of story."

Caleb chuckles, "remind me to never piss you off princess. Jealousy looks good on you Mia."

I roll my eyes, "I'm not jealous."

Sophia snorts, "yeah right...Miss I'm going to throw a fucking glass cup at the man I love's ex. You reek of jealousy."

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