Chapter 9

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We arrive at the lake and I see Julia, Lee, Caleb and Aiden gathering everything on the boat. I look at Aiden with his lime green swimming trunks and no shirt. Mmm...he's so fucking sexy. I could so eat him. He smirks at me, aware that I'm checking him out.

I grab my bag and head towards the boat. I go to get on and Aiden grabs my hand, helping me up. As soon as I'm on the boat I'm pulled into Aiden's arms. He's look down at me with his intense blue eyes and tucks hair behind my ear and kisses me on the nose. "You look beautiful," he says. He then kisses my lips softly. I can feel everyone's gaze on us.

Soon the guys are helping each other get the boat on the ocean. Lee puts the boat on autopilot and we all are sitting on the back of the boat. Julia is straddling Lee and they are making out. Sophia stands up, "I don't know about you, but I want some color." She starts taking off her clothing, revealing a blush colored bikini. I notice Caleb watching her every movement. He's really into Sophia. Good, it's going to take a real man to deal with our crazy family and tame her at the same time.

As soon as Sophia is done and starts to walk off to layout, Caleb grabs her hand. "You can get color right here." He pulls her onto his lap. She starts giggling.

Sophia then looks at me, sitting next to Aiden. She's giving me the look like, you're the only one not down to their bathing suit.

I roll my eyes at Sophia, knowing all she's doing is adding to the sexual tension between Aiden and I. I take a deep breath and stand up, taking off my shirt and bottoms, revealing my black bikini. Aiden watches me intensely and roams my body with his eyes. He bites him bottom lip scanning me. I sit next to him and he grabs my calfs, pulling my legs into his lap. Thank you Aiden, for not making the sexual tension on this boat worse.

He starts rubbing my calfs.'s feels so good. I didn't realize how sore my calfs are from standing at work. He starts to rub his thumb among my shin. It makes me tense at first because of how sore my legs are. "Mmm...god that feels good." I say deeply breathing.

I notice Aiden adjust himself. Then I hear Caleb and Sophia laughing. I lift my head looking at them and they are both staring at Aiden and I and laughing. "What are you two laughing at?" I ask.

I see Aiden give them a glare, "ignore them." Sophia and Caleb starts cracking up.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, "what the fuck are you laughing about?"

Sophia chimes in, "we are laughing because Aiden is barely able to control himself. You basically moaning about how good it feels, obviously turned Aiden on. It's just funny to see you oblivious to your torture"

I shake my head, "you guys are so evil."

Caleb starts chuckling, "not as evil as you. I'm not the one wearing a bikini and moaning how good it feels."

I look at Aiden and he's getting annoyed. "Okay, that's enough from you two." He says deeply and points at Sophia and Caleb.

We make our way to a small island off the coast. I look at Aiden, "where are we going?" He rubs me feet, "there's a beach restaurant there. It's local and has pretty good food. You'll like it." He winks at me. I shrug and go to throw my clothes on.

Once the guys tie down the boat, Aiden grabs my hand and we make our way to the restaurant. Once we are close, Aiden pulls my hand, directing us towards the back of the building. I'm so confused on where we are going. "Aiden, what are we ..." Before I could finish my sentence, Aiden lifts me up, pinning me between the building and himself - kissing me and exploring my mouth with his tongue. I moan from his kisses.

His hands squeeze my ass, "fuck...Mia. That bathing suit about killed me. You have no idea how bad I want you." I feel my arousal soaking my bathing suit bottoms. I grind myself into him, feeling his rock hard erection. He growls in my mouth, "don't play with fire babe. I'll take you right here and now."

I chuckle and wrap my hands around his neck, bringing him closer. His hands roaming my body and lighting it on fire. Anticipation is killing me. I want him right now.

He sets me down. "We should get back. Our friends are probably wondering where we are." I nod and he grabs my hand leading the way inside the restaurant.

We walk inside and Sophia is giving me a mischievous grin. I sit down looking at her confused. The waitress brings me and Aiden water. I look at her again. She's acting weird. She leans towards me, but speaking loud enough for everyone to hear, "how many?" I furrow my eyebrows from confusion, "how many what?" I ask. She grins, "how many orgasms did Aiden give you just now?" I spat the water everywhere. Trying to cover my mouth. "SOPHIA! God, you're so inappropriate." Everyone starts laughing, including Aiden.

Aiden grabs my hand, "I just kissed her. She deserves better than being fucked on the back of a building. Believe me, when we go further, it will be after a proper date." He says while winking at me. My heart dropped to my stomach and I could feel my face burning from embarrassment. He's the sweetest and sexiest.

We leave the restaurant and head to the beach. Caleb, Sophia, Lee and Julia all lay on the beach soaking up the sun. Aiden watches me take my top and shorts off. I motion towards the water. He follows behind me. We are both in the water and he pulls me to him. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist as we float in the water.

"Do I tease you? I don't want you to be frustrated with me. I try..." Before I could finish my sentence, Aiden smashes his lips to mine.

He pulls back, "yes, you tease me, but not the way you're thinking. You're very reactive to my kisses and touch - I absolutely love it, but it also fucking turns me on like no other. Yes, it's hard to control myself around you, but I would wait for as long as you wanted. So stop worrying about me being frustrated. If anything I do it to myself." He smirks at me.

I notice his massive scar on his peck, running up his shoulder and going to his bicep. "Does it hurt?" I ask while touching it. He shakes his head, "no, but it hurt like a bitch when it happened. It required a lot of surgeries and therapy. But I'm good now."

I smile at him, kissing him. His hands cup my ass. I can feel his erection grow. "You're doing this to yourself, you know?" I say.

He chuckles, "I can't help myself around you." He puts sporadic kisses on my face. I giggle. "Do you think you could get off work early Friday, to come to my work?" He asks.

I look at him questionably, "I'm sure I could, what for?"

He smiles, "I would like to show you where I work and what I do. We could shoot guns." I take a deep breath, looking down, "I don't know...I've never shot a gun before." He grabs my chin lightly, turning it toward him, "hey...don't you trust me? I will teach you and I will be there the entire time, ensuring you never get hurt. Afterwards, we can go back to my place and I will cook you dinner."

I bite my bottom lip, "you just want to show me off to all do your work buddies."

He smirks, "fuck yeah I do...I love showing off what's mine." My heart stopped from his comment, I didn't protest and he took notice. Fuck...he just said I'm his and I basically agreed. What does this mean?!

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