"Broken Angel Looking for Love"

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           🖤🔥Broken angel 🔥
Looking for love in all wrong  places

             Story description:
Hurt and abused by many people in her life Kristina must learn to trust then love again once more. In this crazy twisted chilling horrifying novel of romance murder and betrayal...

  Story Genre: vampire/fantasy/horror

   Once upon a time in a quiet little town, of Crystal Lake, lives a girl by the name of Kristina. This is not your ordinary typical one, but one whose heart has been ripped apart, filled with sorrow, and dreams been broken. My nights usually consist of sitting on my favorite crypt tombstone rock. This night in particular would change my life forever.
      I felt like I was being watched by someone, but no one was there or so I thought. I looked around all over then suddenly I heard rustling leaves in the forest behind me. I shout out, "Who's there,?" I scurry around looking for something to hit or kill whatever was approaching me. I yell " I have a wooden shovel here don't come near me." Growling gets louder and what appeared to be a vampire stands before me. I have read an seen them on movies and online so I knew I was in trouble. "Go away, I say, I will kill you if I need to." The vampire comes out rushing towards me, it's shining brightly in the moonlit sky. It says "No need for all that violence my beautiful lady I have been watching you every night to be exact." "I come here and in the forest to hunt I have heard you cry and scream with tears dripping down your face." " What's wrong pretty girl? That you have that much sorrow in your heart."
"My name is Devin nice to meet you also have no need to fear me pretty lady." "Your name is by the way?" I blankly stare at Devin. "Ummm hmm ummm myyy um name is ahh Kristina, but why do you think I am pretty no one else does, or cares be around me. I tend to get people i care about killed. I am a burden to them all." "Because you are breathtakingly beautiful. I would give anything to be with a girl like you. I would make sure nobody would hurt you ever again." "Tell me what kind of person or thing could ever harm or hurt such a goddess like you."
My shimmering teal long straight wavy hair glowing in the moonlit sky. I am wearing a black leather mini skirt, and black strapped tank top with a shiny sapphire diamond pendant that glows neon blue.
"Really I say, but how could such a distinguishing  handsome creature like you care about a mortal human like that I'm nothing special in anyone's eyes." I think to myself 'I have never dated a vampire before how would that work anyways.' 'I have always dreampt of being immortal a vampire maybe or some other mythical creature my life may have been better than it has been.' Devin interupts my train of thought, "If you want to be a vampire I can arrange that my love." "Huh, I say, but how you do that?" "If you want we can go out Devin I don't mind." Devin turns to me raises his eyebrow at me "I was hoping you say that my goddess and say yes." Without any hesitation I look to Devin and gaze into his eyes a bright red atm, sure as long as you make me a vampire so we can be immortal together." I give him a sexily glare with a devilish grin. Devin looks at me with surprisement, "I thought you say that and just one thing my love I will grant your immortality and make you a vampire but I hope you know what you are in for." "Anyways you have to promise not to tell a living soul about me or about what you will become." "Is that understood my goddess?"
  It starts to rain and I am having too much fun with Devin, but I have a burning desire to ask him why... Devin turns "Yes my love you have a question?" I look in amazement and umm, but "How did you know ?" Okay here goes nothing, "Why or how did you become a vampire anyways if I may ask you?" "If you don't mind telling me." Devin growls a bit, but says It's quite alright Kristina my goddess." 'It so happens I was walking through this very graveyard, when this dark mist appeared in front of me it arose from all over, then I saw a shadow behind me I did not know what it was actually. I tried to turn around, but was instantly frozen in fear.' This creepy man's voice says, "You are next Devin, don't fight or DO NOT RESIST !!!!!!, Or you will be killed. Accept immortality now or pay the price of what your parents did, they killed one of our most valuable important clients." 'This punishment will not go unjustified or avenged.' 'After a huge long fight of disagreement and throwing punches, I was bit without even knowing what had happened to me.' So I now live the life of immortality with plenty of blood despair and torment. 'Still not even knowing who my parents killed for me have pay such an painful life of being immortal not being able tell my loved ones where I disappeared to.' "It's okay you have me now baby."
      A strange sound comes from deep within the crypt, "Who is there?" I say Devin jumps in front of me and says "Who is here?" "We have weapons and aren't afraid to use them." He pulls out a crossbow and throws it to me, "Kristina I hope you know how use this don't you?" I say,"You are lucky I used one these at my grandpa's house, you know shooting targets and stuff." He says, Good it's yours now baby girl." "Awww, shucks thanks Devin I never had anyone treat me this nice this before." "Well get used to it my goddess, I will be doing all of this for you all the time." Devin says then chuckles a devilishly laughter and looks at Kristina. "What I say to Devin, while giving him a sexily grin while saying, "Becareful what you do to me I may have to shoot you haha." "I am kidding of course or am I.?" I smirk at him with an evil grin."Where did that thing go now?" Devin says, "I don't know..." "I say can you hear it?" He says,"No can you hear it can you hear it?"
     Growling under the crypt coffin cover a voice says,"You were not suppose to tell anyone... Now you must bother pay with your lives." A devilish laughter echoes throughout the entire crypt...

(3 days Grace-Animal I have become)
(Fallout-boy- Immortals)
(Avril Lavigne-I'm with you)

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