Chapter 20: Big Day

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During some big moment from being happy as Dad and Lucas are making sure that everything will be alright. Lucas decided to take me to Starbucks as we got the same drinks together and Dad always love coffee. Dad is happy for us and his grandkids. On the best days that I ever had was to feel the twins kick and I love them very much. Lucas is my first love that I ever had and have a future together. My mom isn't coming to the hospital for seeing her grandkids and she just do her own thing. Lucas is the best thing that I ever had and he's my MacGyver husband. Dad is proud of us to have a family with our twins. The twins are making their ways here very soon and I'm so excited to have kids.
-"Kristy, you ready to be a mom." Lucas said.
-"Yes and I'm so excited." I said.
-"It won't be long until they will be here." Lucas said.
-"It's so beautiful." I said.
-"You are so lucky to have a family." George said.
-"Daddy, everything will be alright and I promise you that the twins are wanting you very soon." I said.
-"I know they will and that's why I love spending time with you guys." George said.
-"Dad, I can't believe that you found me when I came to the studio for a short visit." I said.
-"Well someone like Cornell ask me if I was related to you from your last name and I knew I had a daughter before your little sister. You was the one who had my last name and Cornell said that you're my daughter." George said.
-"I'm so happy to see you again." I said.
-"Me too baby girl and I believe that Lucas is the one who show me where your house is at when we brought Justin, Tristin, and Meredith." George said.
-"That's when I didn't know that you was my dad and it's so sad that I call you by your first name." I said.
-"That's alright baby girl and you just didn't know that I was your dad." George said.
-"Yeah and the twins will call you Grandpa George." I said.
-"I'm sure they will." George said.
-"George, you are so lucky that you came back to Kristy's life." Lucas said.
-"She was my first baby girl before she was adopted and finally had my chance to see her again." George said as he kiss my forehead.
-"I did watch you on MacGyver and you were amazing." I said.
-"Thanks sweetie." George said.
-"You're welcome." I said.

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