The Soil In My Lungs

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The Super Moon was coming up next week. Soon Hope would have enough power to make sure her family can be together once again. Noah, Ink and I hadn't still been able to meet the infamous Mikaelsons but Hope made sure that we would meet them at a big party because she said first impressions are very important for them.

I had been laying in bed for quite a while when the incident had happened. Noah never left my side and I couldn't complain. He slept soundlessly next to me as I watched him.

He had stayed up the whole night watching me and making sure I didn't 'accidentally' try to hurt someone with my newfound but unusual abilities. It was very sweet of him but I still couldn't shake the feeling of him not being the one for me. I was deeply in love with him and I couldn't imagine being with anyone but him.
Maybe it was my mind trying to stop me from being with him? I wasn't so sure.

I got out of the bed silently, making my way to the bathroom to freshen up. I washed my face with the cool water and stared at myself in the mirror.

"What am I?" I muttered. I sighed and then I was struck by this sickly feeling. I groaned and caught a glimpse of three faintly glowing figures standing behind me. My stomach felt like it was going to explode.

I coughed and coughed - something was stuck in my throat. I bent down towards the sink and coughed violently. I closed my eyes and just kept coughing. After the feeling slowly dissipated, I opened my eyes to find the whole bathroom scattered with leaves, soil and specks of blood here and there. I couldn't help it.

I screamed. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what was happening.

"Dawn?" Noah rushed in, his eyes widening at the abnormal mess I had made. I didn't know what was happening so I just kept screaming, clutching my head. I sank to the ground and burst into tears. Noah knelt beside me and held me close to him.

"Shh. It's okay Dawn. Everything's fine. I'm here," Noah whispered, stroking my hair. He held me for a few minutes until I calmed down and I saw Ink and Hope rushing in.

"Dawn? What happened?" Hope gasped, looking around the bathroom. I slowly stood up, clutching Noah's hand for comfort.

"I don't know... I-I saw these three spirits behind me an-and I just s-started coughing... I couldn't s-stop. It was terrifying," I stammered trying to breathe.

"Come let's get you to the bed," Hope sighed grabbing my other hand. Ink just smiled weakly at me and helped me get into bed.

"Could you all just stay here with me? I feel like we don't get to be together anymore," I whispered patting the bed. They all glanced at each other quickly before Ink smiled widely.

"Hell yeah!" he yelled and he flopped down on the bed, next to me. Eventually Hope gave in and curled up next to me, holding my hand. Noah laid down next to my feet and gazed at me.

"See? This is fun right?" I smiled.

"Totes D!" Ink winked at me.

"You always know how to bring us together," Noah said.

"You really do have a gift Dawn," Hope whispered and we all just lay there, laughing at each other just like we used to.

I know this chapter is really short but it's sort of a filler chapter and I was having a tiny case of writers block. The next chapter will be better:)

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