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"You can't be serious?" I questioned Hope as soon as my eyes laid on the box.

"Just take it," Hope commanded and I rolled my eyes.

"There's no way!" I protested and Hope sighed at my response.

"Just take the damn test!" she said waving it in front of my face. I grabbed it and told her to leave. As soon as I was done I laid it on the counter and left.

"It's done. Now we just have to wait," I said impatiently tapping my foot. Hope was nervously biting her lip.

"Just ask!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Did you sleep with Kol?" she questioned, staring right at me. I cussed silently and breathed in.

"Yes. I did, but I was drunk and upset!" I exclaimed and Hope just shook her head.

"Thank god!" she said quietly but I heard her. I gave her the most confused look ever and she let out a breathy laugh. "Kol's a vampire!"

I nodded my head slowly and felt a wave of relief wash over me. "But Noah's a vampire too."

"Yeah but he's part witch?" Hope said questioning the genetical structures of Heretics.

"Is it done?" I asked and Hope went into to go check. She stepped out with a very blank expression so I couldn't tell if the news was good or bad.

She walked up to me and placed the test in my hand. I peeked at it and felt a second wave of relief wash over me. It was negative!

"Oh my gods!" I shouted and Hope smiled wearily. I noticed her expression and raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe we should try a different test," Hope murmured and I sighed, nodding my head reluctantly.

I was lying down on Hope's bed as she chanted a spell with a talisman over my stomach. My eyes followed the pendant swing back and forth as I silently prayed for Hope's test to be negative.

She suddenly stopped chanting and dropped the talisman on the ground, breathing heavily. Her eyes met mine and for the first time I saw fear take over her.

"No," I whispered. I shook my head and ran out of the room, my eyes welling up.

This cannot be happening. Not to me.

I barged into my room and locked the door, wrapping my arms around my body and sobbing my heart out. I can't be having a baby. I just can't.


I sat on my bed, shocked out of my mind. I felt life forming in her womb as I did the spell. I was in such a daze that I didn't realize Ink coming in. He immediately sat down beside me when he noticed my state and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hope?" he mumbled into my hair and I sighed deeply before pulling back and looking him in the eye.

"I was doing a-a spell on Dawn a-and um..." I stuttered and placed a hand on my stomach hoping that Ink would get what I was trying to say. His eyes widened and he brought his hands to his face.

"How the hell did that even happen?" he said and I shrugged. "Do you know whose it is?"

I bit my lip, nodding slowly. He asked me with his eyes and I shook my head.

"If it's not Noah who the-" Ink was interrupted by a loud bang outside. He grabbed my hand and we ran downstairs to check out what was going on but it was only Uncle Kol, who had broken a chair with a glass of Bourbon in his hand.

"Woah!" Ink said and Uncle Kol looked up at us with a slight anger in his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I asked softly and I gave him a stern look about what we agreed in our previous conversation.

"Yes, everything is just dandy," he muttered and sighed. "I'm sorry for the noise."

"It's alright," I replied and I looked down nervously at my feet. Ink also seemed a little uneasy.

"What's wrong now?" Kol smirked and we remained silent. "Hope?"

I bit my lip and took a deep breath, glancing at Ink before walking up to Uncle Kol.

"There's um... something you need to-uh, know..." I stammered and he raised his eyebrow. "First of all I know you and Dawn...ahem..."

He smirked a little but kept a serious expression on. He nodded beckoning me to continue.

"Well you see I put a protection spell on her when she left the compound but when she came back she felt so sick and puked a lot. I thought she was having another attack but obviously my protection spell would've prevented that so what was happening to her was natural but not natural enough for the test to come positive so I had to perform another spell to confirm whether she was indeed carrying a baby and if it was Noah's or... yours," I rambled before slowing down at the last part.

Kol had no expression whatsoever and I was about to ask him if he was okay when he broke the glass in his hand furiously, sending shards of tiny glass and Bourbon everywhere. Ink grabbed my arm and pulled me back a little but I wasn't scared.

"What was the result?" Kol asked calmly yet scarily.

"Positive," I whispered and his hand formed a fist. He was staring at the wall intently.

"Whose is it?" he asked again very quietly.

I let out a shaky breath and replied, "Yours."

i know this chapter is shorttt but there's nothing else i can add to it so it's kind of a filler! the next chapter will be better !

love y'all <3

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