You're Alive

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In the early hours of the morning, I was awoken by a noise. It was a faint WHOOSH that passed by the room. I carefully moved off of the bed and silently made my way to the door.

I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and tiny shorts and I wished I had taken a coat or something. I stepped outside of the room and walked down the hallway, covering my body. I heard a small laugh and I followed the noise to the darkest part of the house.

I saw someone at the corner, their face buried in someone's neck. As I got a bit closer I realized that it was in fact a vampire feeding on a young woman. I breathed in deeply and slowly backed away but as soon as I turned around I clashed into someone. I screamed but they zoomed me against a wall. covering my mouth with a cloth.

My eyes widened and even though it was very much dark, I made out the person's face: dark brown eyes and hair.

"Shhh be quiet," they mumbled, their pupils dilating. Whoever this person was was trying to compel me. I pushed him off and crossed my arms.

"You can't compel me idiot," I snarled, narrowing my eyebrows. He stepped towards me and squinted at me.

"It's you! I've seen you somewhere before," I asked him. He stared me intently.

"How are you here?" he replied.

"What? What are you talking about?" I questioned. His hand rose from his side to my cheek and I was just about to warn him to stay away but it was too late.

As soon as he touched my cheek, my mind drifted away. Except it was different this time. It didn't hurt as much. I let my mind go to wherever it was taking me...

"Come find me!", a young girl shrieked, running barefoot through the woods hitching her skirt up high. She rushed past the thin barked trees, her breath becoming heavy and raspy.
She ran and ran until she stopped at a silvery blue lake, holding her stomach tightly as she grasped for air.

"Where are you?!" a voice called. She laughed at the fact that he could never catch up with her. She decided to make it harder for him to find her so she removed her dress but kept her undergarments and dived into the glittery water, making it soundless so that he wouldn't hear.

She stayed underwater until he came, panting heavily. He observed the area, squinting as he searched for her. And then a wide smirk spread across his face. He jumped into the water, surprising the girl. They both came up to the surface and the boy was grinning.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW?" the girl screamed, splashing him with water.

"How did I not know? I know all your secrets remember?" he winked at her, splashing her back. He pulled her in and smiled at her.

She scoffed at him playfully, "Come on let's go back before your Mother blasts another treetop off," she joked and she swam towards the shore. He chuckled silently and was about to follow her when something shiny caught his eye in the water.

He chanted something in Latin and whatever it was emerged from the water, floating in the air. The purple and blue gems encrusted on the pendant shimmered in the sunset, the water glistened beautifully on it. He quickly grabbed it and swam towards the girl.

Once they were dried up and back at the village, he placed the pendant in her hand. Her eyes widened at it.
"You found it?!" she whispered loudly. She looked at him in a way only he noticed. Full of love.

"I know how much it means to you dear," he whispered.

"Haha you know me so well," she smiled. "Thank you."

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