Brilliant Bloody Ball

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The ball was full of life now and there were waiters going around with champagne and wonderful music flowing through the air. All the women looked lovely in their ballgowns and the men, very sharp and poised in their tuxedos.

I was unfortunately stuck in an ever so boring conversation with Kevin Renwick - a warlock. He was always trying to find someone to talk about magic with and today it happened to be me.

Noah always explained and spoke to me about magic but it's different with him. I didn't want to be mean but when it got a little too boring I would just stare at his gorgeous face until he realized and tickled me as punishment. Which would end up in sex.

Kevin Renwick would just never stop talking and fortunately he didn't realize when my mind went somewhere else... like about Elijah and that memory or about Kol and that memory.

They must be knowing some way to help me figure out who I am. But what if I had a memory with Hope's father? This is all just so confusing.

"I think the lady would prefer a more exciting conversation warlock," someone said touching my arm. I snapped out of my thoughts and returned to the world. It was Klaus.

"Excuse me Kevin, I'll be back soon," I apologized and went to face Klaus.

"I believe we need to have a little chat," he smirked and we flashed to one of the many rooms.

"Um okay. What do you want to talk about?" I asked folding my arms. He looked me up and down before walking towards me.

"Tell me about your boyfriend. Noah is it?" he smirked and looked me straight in the eye.

"What do you want to know about Noah?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"He is a Heretic yes?" he asked me before moving to a chair and sitting down.

"Yes why?" I questioned narrowing my eyes at him.

"When was he turned?" he replied ignoring my question and staring at me.

"He doesn't know for sure but he can date back as far as to 1400 AD. He was brought to life by an unknown coven of witches who pitied him since he died very young and he was untapped," I explained.

"Continue," he said getting comfortable on the chair. I sat down on the chair opposite him and sighed.

"They had to use very powerful magic since he was not on the Other Side but they did and it turns out he was a Siphoner. He lived with the witches for a while until he decided he was old enough to leave. But as soon as he left their safe haven..." I faltered unsure whether to share this information with Klaus. He sat forward with a very serious expression on his face.

"What happened?" he asked me and I took a deep breath.

"He died. Again. But he came back to a vampire," I said looking back at Klaus. His expressions was unreadable and he leaned back.

"Does he have any siblings?" he asked and I shook my head.

"He has no memories of his life when he was alive as a human. So no, none that he knows of," I replied.

"You say he suddenly became a vampire after being away from the witches magic?" he sat forward folding his hands.

"Yeah. It's really weird but I guess he doesn't want to-"

"Has the boy ever been staked?" he interrupted a glimmer of mischief in his eye.

" He would die if that ever happened. He's not like you at all," I stammered a bit confused and scared. I stood up to leave and so did he.

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