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a collection in which we all take a fun trip

through the wonderful world of early 1900's mental asylums.

(because we all know that'll help you sleep at night)


okay okay alright that was plainly sarcasm up there. i should probably have a better description...

so basically 'interim' will be centered around a girl with schizophrenia, which is a really interesting mental illness in my opinion, and her commitment to a mental asylum around the 1940's. this was about the worst time for the mentally ill because they were treated horribly (put in ice baths, given insulin and put into comas, restrained for so long their skin grew over the restraints) but also because, around 1936 the first transorbital lobotomy was performed. hospitals started using that procedure for simple things such as daydreaming or backaches even. so that will come into play in this story.

anyway, i'll stop ranting about this stuff and actually get to posting the collection!

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