It was time for me to die.
Her face was the first thing I saw.
Emanating anger only a few feet away
from me,
two fresh hand shaped bruises
wrapped cleanly around her neck,
a dull icepick in her hand
and a wicked grin
on her face.
She noticed my peeled eyes
and smiled more.
“It’s time to die.”
She said to me.
The Ladies In White
held my restraints
and I noticed
that they were all
looking away.
So, that was it.
I was going to die.
I certainly deserved it.
The Doctor placed her hands
on my temples
and looked at me.
“Life’s so simple,
isn’t it, Beverly?
We only live to die,
no matter how much
time we spend trying to
ignore the end.
The time in between
is just our feeble attempt
to distract ourselves.”
She released her hands
from my head
and picked up the ice pick.
“But for you, it doesn’t matter anymore.
You’re going to die.
It was great having you, Beverly.
See you in hell.”
The tip of my murder weapon was
tickling the edge of my eye,
and suddenly I saw Bruce, Judith, and Clarence
standing, huddled together in the back of the room.
They were laughing at me.
“Oh, and by the way,
Ms. Physliss,
I’m not quite sure if you’ve acknowledged this
quite yet, but
you’re completely, utterly,
one hundred percent clinically
Dr. Makoid told me.
I smiled.
As if I didn’t know that.