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~Your POV~

The sun streamed on my face telling me to wake up for the most dreaded time of the year... the first day of school. I woke up and looked in the mirror, I looked like I got into a fight with a fully grown raccoon... yay (cue sarcasm). I tamed my hair, And walked downstairs.

I saw my brother, Evan, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. His cast still was only signed by me, right on his wrist.

" 'Mornin Ev. Need help?" He nods. I buttoned them one by one.

Evan was younger than me by one year, it was always like I had a best friend all the time. But it also meant I couldn't get rid of him. He was the best brother in the world, and no! I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. He always had social anxiety so I had to make sure he took his pills, and that he was okay. Mom was always well...


She said she did it all for us. But it is a little hard to take care of your baby brother by yourself. I won't get into stuff about our dad because In all honesty, he doesn't deserve to be mentioned. The night he left I cried, Evan thought he was coming back so that's what I told him for a while. I told him Daddy's coming home, day after day. The sad part was, he believed it.

Anyway Since Evan had his issues, we had to pay more attention to him. Evan was the sun and me and Mom were the planets, revolving around him and never stopped. It was like all my life, we revolved around him, so it hurt this summer when he told me how he broke his arm.

"There!" I said and brushed his shoulders. He gave me a quick hug. I looked around the house. Our Mom was in the kitchen scrolling through her phone in full scrubs. She sighed and pushed her long brown hair behind her ear.

"Y/N babe, do you have your lunch packed? I'm picking you up after school in the Van, just so you know. We're having our fun pizza nights, eh? Like old times?" She faltered trying to seem as happy as physically possible. I have a quick smile with a small wave, running out the door with my brother.

"Okay so remember I will be right next to you if you need me. Wait did you take your pills? Do you need me to run back? I-"

"Y/N/N! I'm fine!" He scolded. I nod quietly. "S-Sorry..." He mumbled. I smiled weakly.

As we walked the house got farther and farther away. We passed the Kleinman's, they were 'family friends' Mr. Kleinman fixes computers, he's a big skeeze, the type of guy that goes to the bar on Wednesday's to hit on young woman even though he's been married for forty years. Mrs. Kleinman went to school with my mom, she's a lithe seamstress who started her own company on Main Street, her and her husband are both very Jewish. Their son is not only very Jewish, but very gay. He's in Evans grade, a bit of an insecure jerk.

Then the Beck's. Mrs. Beck was a college professor at NYU. She taught in 'the study of
General physics.' She makes twice as much as my moms entire salary. Mrs. Beck's wife, Mrs. B was a pianist for the New York opera hall, not a very talkative person. Which is funny because their adoptive daughter, Alana, never stopped talking. I'm not saying she's annoying, she's just... trying to help? That doesn't change the fact that she's basically the smartest girl in school, we were partners in sixth grade and I've never seen a better grade.

Then the last house we passed... the wealthy Murphy's. Larry Murphy was a lawyer, or as some may call 'a blood sucking parasite with a briefcase.' Who fought with his wife twenty-four-seven. Cynthia Murphy, a stay at home mother was interested in something new every month, wether it was yoga, to being vegan, to a random religion. Evan thinks it 'cool' I think that's what happens when your rich and don't have a job. Their daughter, Zoe, was an average student, more on the popular side, who played in the jazz band. Me and Zoe met in kindergarten, I was best friends with her until she became 'cool' and I didn't exist anymore. That dissent change the fact that I see her stare at me across the tables at lunch. Lastly, Their son was...


At first glance he was a typical emo enigma. Until you actually observe him. Connor Murphy 'the psycho druggie.', Connor Had multiple 'issues' bipolar, depression, more. His parents just thought he did it for... attention.

When we walked past the Murphy's white picket (yet dark) fence we heard yelling;

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

Evan jumped. "Welp, looks like there having some good family bonding." I whispered. He laughed a little as we walked into school. Let's just say the Murphy's were a bit of a broken family. But that's not my business.


Near the rusty navy blue doors, a familiar face was there to greet us... The insanely cool Jared Kleinman. (That was definitely sarcasm.)

"Yo, Hansen! Is it weird being the first person to break their arm jerking off?"

"N-no Don't- that! That's not what happened!" Evan shushed him with fear in his eyes. I bit my lip in order to stop a chuckle. "I fell out of a tree..." Evan recited the story. that wasn't the story I knew.

I looked around the school, it was the same as always. It's like no one changed, and no one was planning on changing. The same D.A.R.E. Posters on the wall, the same beat up lockers. The same kids pushing and shoving for a way down the hall, sneering and pointing at other kids. It was like kindness was never a thing to them and never will be.

"Hey, Connor!" Jared chortled. Oh no. "Love the new hair length very... school shooter chic!" Jared laughed.

I turned and saw Connor Murphy. He was dressed in an all black outfit, except his brown messenger bag. He must of grew his hair out over the summer because it was to his shoulders now. To be honest it looked pretty... nice. Connor stared at Jared.

"That... That was a joke. I'm joking."

"Oh yea I know. Very funny. Can't you see I'm laughing? Am I not laughing hard enough for you?!" He got closer.

Jared laughed a bit. "Your such a freak." And he walked away.

I coughed. Holy shit. I coughed. Connor glared at me. My heart felt like it jumped up to my throat, no words could come out, only me standing there with a mouth-wide expression.

"What the fuck you laughing at? Stop fucking laughing at me!"

"No, no, no, that's-"

"I'm not the freak." He said angrily and walked to me. Evan had plain fear in his eyes. "Your the fucking freak!" He pushed me into the locker, running off.

A single tear fell. I promised I wouldn't cry for anyone in this school.

"Y-Y/N! Oh god, A-are You Okay?" My brother panicked, sliding on his knees next to me.

"Fine and Dandy...." I patted his back. Then I buried my head into his chest and he embraced me.

Thoughts churned in my head. There's was only one that stood out.

Would anyone care if I just- if I just disappeared tomorrow?


Hey guys! Hope you liked the first chapter! Sorry it was all over the place... well thanks. Sincerely,


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