Chapter 10.

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~Y/N's POV~

"Are you Okay?" Evan asked me as we walked into school.

"No, but I promised. I promise I won't do it again." We stopped at the school doors, a tear fell from his cheek. I wiped it away and hugged him. "Shhh. It's okay. Your stronger than I'll ever be, Ev." I let go of him and he smiled.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course!" I laughed. He nodded and walked into school with me. "I promise."


I sat in class, fiddling with a pen, and just staring at the chalkboard.

"Your group project is due on Wednesday." Mrs. Green droned on. My eyelids started to get heavy, my cheek began to slip from my hand. "Ms. Hansen! Would you please stay awake! Or would you please tell me what is going on in that pretty little brain of yours?" There was sniggers at Mrs. Green's speech. I looked around. "Go on. What's going on in your little head." She spat.


"I'm sorry?" She squinted at me.

"You asked me if I wanted to tell you what the fuck is going on in my head, so I said no!" I yelled back. Then I realized what I had said. My hand quickly covered my mouth and my eyes grew wide. I was as pale as ghost in winter. I looked over to Evan who looked just as pale.

"That's it young lady! Detention! I will speak with your Mother after school." She let out a deep breath and continued the lesson.

"I didn't even do anything..." I mumbled.

Everything got back to normal. I didn't. With most of my force I pushed my desk and grabbed my backpack, and flipped her off. in a flash I ran out the door into the girls bathroom. I could hear her call after me, I didn't listen to her pleads.

It's amazing how someone can go to 'perfectly fine.' To 'Breaking apart.' In a day.


"What were you thinking! After what Evan had told me-!" My Moms shouting had stopped and her grip on the steering wheel softened. "- I- I'm loosing you, Y/N." Tears began to Well up in her eyes.

"Please don't cry! Because if you start crying, I will! That'll make you cry even more!" I pleaded. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry I could give you what you wanted." She looked at me. I stared intently in her hazel eyes. Then mine started to Well up too. Soon tears were streaming down my face.

"I'm— sorry, —Mommy." I chocked out. She shushed my sobs and pulled me in close.

"Please don't do it again." She kissed my head. I smiled.

"I won't. It was selfish of me and I'm sorry." She smiled back, her red nose regained its normal color, and the light in her eyes had came back. "I promise." I said again. She nodded and wiped her eyes.

With a hearty laugh she drove. "So, Y/N. I heard your going to the Murphy's tonight... how about instead they come over!" She smiled.

I flashbacked to the dinner I had with them last time. A shudder coursed through my body.

"That's... Not the best idea?" I bit my lip in worry. She sighed, not the bad-disappointed sigh, but the sigh mixed with laugh.

"It'll be fun! You can invite your boyfriend!" I snorted. 'Boyfriend.' Yea right.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I laughed once more. "And sure, whatever you say Mom. Just— be prepared for rich parents and lots of yelling." She furrowed her brow in confusion.


"You'll See." I simply said and got out the car.


{Connor's POV}

"Connor!~" my sister groaned. Zoe knocked on the door, I quickly threw out my pot, then sat on the bed and tried to act normal.

"What the fuck do you need!" I yelled out. She barged in the room.

"Mom and dad want you downstairs. We're going to Y/N's." She rolled her eyes. "If your not ready I'm leaving without you."

"Whatever. Come into my room again and I'll fucking kill you." It was my turn to roll my eyes back too. She sighed and shut the door behind her.

When she left, I studied myself in the mirror. My weird, marbled, eyes. My freakishly long hair. My posture. Ugh. I left my room and stumbled down the stairs. Larr- Dad and Mom were waiting in the Tesla downstairs. His hand gripped the steering wheel, hers were tapping away on her phone. Zoe sat in the backseat next to me.

"Okay, kids. So, I would like to make a good impression on the Hansen's, so please be normal for a day."

"Sure, Mom!" I slapped a cheesy grin on my face. She sighed and continued her business.


We got out of the car after a few minutes and looked upon The house it was tiny but homely. It wasn't like ours, to be honest it wasn't anything much. They had a car not a Tesla or anything important just a car, old, rundown, but okay.

My dad was the first to knock. We waited. Silence. Then we heard yells come from the inside.


"But there's that weird moment where you wait for them to get the change-"

"It's not pizza! It's the Murphy's!"



"B-but— Murphy's..." he whimpered. I looked back to my family who was all waiting there patiently. He thought we couldn't hear.

"Fine! I'll get it!" She called back to him. We waited a few more seconds and then the door swung in. "Hey, Guys!" She smiled. Damn that smile would be the death of me. "come in, welcome to my -very- humble abode." Y/N
looked at the floor as we studied the house.

"It's... Cozy." My Mom said to her. My Dad just kinda gave a shitty scoff. Y/N nodded.

"I know it isn't much but-" she started, I cut in.

"It's... cool." I assured her, she grinned at me, then I gave her a little smirk.

"Well, I think it's awesome." Zoe flounced around. I rolled my eyes at her sudden behavior toward Y/N.

"Uh, Mr. And Mrs. Murphy would you like to um, meet my mom she's in the kitchen..." Y/N said awkwardly.

I looked into the kitchen to see a blonde woman, who's hair was pinned back. She had soft eyes and a warm smile.

"Welcome!" She chirped.

Y/N smiled a bit and looked up at me. She's a special one.


Ayyy, (cringe.) thanks for reading. I didn't think this would have this many reads tbh???? By the way, thanks for reading the authors note, I didn't rewrite the chapter or anything. Sincerely,


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