Chapter 3

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It's been almost 3 weeks since I sent my last letter to Lucy. I'm starting to worry. Natsu still hasn't found Lucy's letter she left for him in the plant pot near the front entrance. I just hope that Lucy is alright. I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." I turn around from looking out the window. I see Mira standing in the door way with a women behind her.
"Master, this lady is here to see you." she says cheerfully, as she always is.
"Sure. C'mon in." I say. The women looks about in her mid 30's. She has a worried look to her face. "How may I help you?"
"Is this the guild that Miss Lucy Heartfillia belonged to?" she asks frantically.
"Yes it is. Is something the matter?"
"I haven't seen Miss Lucy for about a week now. Her work called asking about her and when I went up to her apartment, she never answered when I knocked on the door. I got worried after a day or so, and went up to check on her. When she didn't answer again, I opened the door. I found this letter on her desk addressed to the guild." She digs through her purse before pulling out a letter. "I also noticed that her pajamas were laid out on her bed. When I looked down at the carpet, I noticed two different sets of footprints. One to look like Miss Lucy's, and the other to look like a man's. Miss Lucy and her coworker were pretty good friends. I asked her if Lucy had a boyfriend and she said she never mentioned it. And if she did, she would've found out. That's when I got really scared. I decided to come here and ask for help. Please! You have to help Miss Lucy! Please! I fear that she is in danger!" I wave of fear rushes over me. Lucy...
I walk the women to the front doors. After she's gone, I close the doors, and walk up onto the stage we have in the guild. When everyone noticed me, they all quieted down and paid attention to me.
"Alright, you low life freaks! We have a problem. Have any of you noticed a specific person gone?" I ask.
I hear a "no", "nope", "have you?".
"You idiots! It's a specific Celestial Mage!"
"You mean Lucy?" I look down and see Wendy standing in front of everyone else, tears threatening to spill.
"What happened? I've noticed her gone, but I thought that she was on a solo mission." Wendy suddenly breaks down in tears. "Oh my gosh! How could I be so shallow? I should've known something was wrong!" She is now on her knees, full out bawling.
"What do you mean, Gramps?" Natsu is standing next to Wendy now, along with Gray and Erza.
"Lucy left the guild 6 months ago, never to return. All because of you guys! You ignored her, made her feel invisible, lonely, hallow. You drove her to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and left! Allow me to read the letter she was suppose to send me this month. It was brought in my a friend of Lucy's who got worried after not seeing her for a full week and checked up on her and found her apartment empty and this letter on her desk, as if getting it ready to be sent." I say as I wave the letter I was given around in the air. I read the letter. Since it's the first time I'm reading it, I have to fight off the urge to cry from holding the possible last thing she left for us. After I'm finished, I look up and see a lot of people with their mouths hanging down to the floor, wide-eyed. I can tell that they're shocked. I notice Natsu pushing through the crowd towards the doors. Natsu...


I'm storming through the crowd and towards the doors.
"Nastu!" I turn around, anger and terror spread across my face.
"What?!" I yell. Gramps is staring at me.
"Look in that plant pot." He points to the plant pot to my left. I walk over to it and see an envelope sitting there. I pick it up and look at the front side of the envelope and see a name,'Natsu'.
"Lucy left that there for you to find the day she left. She purposely put it there because she knew it would take you some time to find it and she didn't want you to find it right away and catch up to her or follow her." Gramps looks sad. I storm out of the guild and run to Lucy's place. I go in through my normal entrance, the window, hoping to find Lucy sitting at her desk, working on her story. But when all I found was an empty place, I felt the tears stinging. I leave and go back to my house. I sit on my bed and pull out the letter. I open it up.
I guess you found my letter. I hope that you don't feel guilty, and if you do, stop. I made this decision on my own. I'm hoping to find a new beginning on my own. I guess I wasn't strong enough to earn your respect as a wizard. Please don't hate me, because I don't blame you for this nor do I hate you. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I wish you and Happy good luck without being able to go to my house and hang out. Please be careful though. I couldn't live knowing that you got hurt. I'm sorry I dragged you guys down and for you always having to save me. I realize that I don't belong on Fairy Tail's strongest team. In fact, I don't think I even belong in Fairy Tail, in Magnolia. I won't ever forget the good times we had, all of the adventures we went on. I'll cherish those memories 'till the day I die! I'll miss you the most Natsu. Goodbye...
I crumple the letter as I notice tears soaking it. I've also noticed other tear stains, probably Lucy's. This is all my fault! If I hadn't ignored her, maybe she would've still been here, safe, happy!
"Natsu?" I look up and find Happy looking at me with tears of his own spilling out of his eyes. "Master wants to speak with us. C'mon!" he starts pulling on my arm and I reluctantly follow. We walk back to the guild and walk in. Everyone is back to their normal, wild, drunk party animal. They don't seem to care that Lucy is gone? We walk to Gramps office.
"Natsu, I want you to go to where Lucy was living and check it out. See if you can figure out anything."
Lucy...I'm sorry.

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