Chapter 2

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It's now been a two months since I left. I wonder if Natsu ever found my letter? I wonder if anyone knows I'm gone? I'm on my own now. I'm walking to the mail post to send Master my monthly letter I promised. I send him a letter each month to let him know how things are going. I asked him last month if Natsu found my letter I left him yet. He said that he hasn't yet. I didn't know if that made me happy or sad. Anyway, I'm walking down to the mail post now. It's been different without the guild and everything. I remember Master saying that no one has asked about me yet in the last letter I received from him. Now that stung. I get to the mail post and send in my letter. I walk back to my small apartment I have. I get a feeling that someone is following me. I hurry home.

*Time Skip*

It's now been 6 months since I left Fairy Tail. I miss everybody so much! It feels like my heart is yearning to see, to hear, to be close to Natsu. In Master's last letter, Natsu hasn't found my letter I left him. Also, he said that the guild hasn't noticed my disappearance. That just broke my heart into many pieces. When I read those words 'nobody has noticed your absence yet', I felt my heart shatter, like glass vase falling off a table onto a hard floor of pain, never to be perfectly clear again. It can be repaired, but it'll have many cracks of hurt showing.
I'm writing my 6th letter back to Master.
'September 12
Dear Master,
I've been just fine on my own. I've got a job at a bar as a waitress not far from my home. It pays well, but it's the clients that bother me. The men are really sexual towards me. I've already had to kick 3 guys in a spot where the sun don't shine! After that, they apologized and we settled it out. They never bothered me after that. In fact, they have been acting really nice and protective from all the other immature men. We've actually become pretty good friends. But I still miss Natsu and the gang, even though they shunned me to the point where I cried myself to sleep every night. I try my best not to wear or do anything that reminds me of them. That's why I've mostly stuck to wearing black and other dark colors. Please keep me updated on how everyone is doing. I miss you Master! I hope to see you soon!
I fold the letter in half, and in half again, then stick it in an envelope and write the address of the guild on the front. I set it on my table so I can get it sent tomorrow. I always write the date because Master wanted me to. He said it's so he can make sure if anything happens. He told me that if he doesn't receive a letter within the 2 week time spans it takes for a letter to get delivered, he was telling the guild about my leaving and send out a search party to my home and town I live in. I just hope that that never happens. I decide to take a bath.
"Ah...this feels nice!" I say as I slump down further down into the water. After soaking for about 20 minutes, I drain the water, hop out, and dry off. I wrap my towel around my body and walk out into my room. I turn my lamp on and sit down on my bed. Just then, the power goes out.
"Dang it! Now I have to get dressed in the dark!" I complain to the darkness, clearly not knowing who was really there.
"Who ever said I wanted you to get dressed?" I turn around to where I heard the voice come from. A dark figure emerges from the darkness. I take a step back.
"W-who are you?" I manage to stutter. My legs are shaking and feel like they're about to give out any second now. He disappears back into the darkness. "Answer me!" I yell. He reappears behind me.
"Your worst nightmare." He whispers. That was the last thing I heard before it seemed like I was engulfed in darkness.

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