Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been busy working on my new story. It's a Sting fanfic, so please check it out. The title is "Memory". And thank you so much for all the views! All the chapters have over 100 views except for the last update, but it's close! So keep reading! I love you!😘


I kissed Lucy. I kissed Lucy! I KISSED LUCY!!!! My thoughts are excited. When my thoughts are excited, I'm excited!
I walk to where Gray and Juvia are sitting, talking to Lisanna.
"Hey guys." I say.
"Hey Natsu. Why are you blushing?" Lisanna asks.
"What? I-I'm not blushing." I turn my face away so they don't see my blush.
Just then, Erza comes out of the infirmary. Just my luck.
"Erza, do you know why Natsu is blushing?" Gray asks.
"Why yes, I do." she smirks.
"Really? Why is he?" Lisanna asks.
"It's because he and Lucy kissed." she says it so calmly.
The entire guild went quiet.
"THEY DID WHAT?!?!" They all shouted.
"Yep. It's true. I walked in on them smacking lips." Erza smirks.
"Erza! Would you keep quiet?!" I hiss.
"What was that?" She gives me a scary glare.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." I sigh in relief.
"Flame brain!"
"What did you call me ice stripper?"
"So, when you gonna ask her out?"
"I don't think Natsu knows how to ask a girl out!" Gajeel says.
"Alright Gajeel! Why don't you demonstrate it for him by asking out Levy?" Mira says.
"I would but I don't want to." Mira transforms into one of her she devils.
"DO IT NOW!!!!! MY SHIPS MUST BE CANNON!!!!!!!!!!" She screams. Everyone hides. All the blood drains from Gajeel's face.
"O-okay." Mira takes her normal from again.
"Good!" She smiles. Gajeel walks over to Levy who just came out of Lucy's room.
"Hey Shrimp."
"Um...will you um...go out with me?" He stutters.
"Gajeel...?" Levy's face turns red. Then softens to a smile. "Of course I will!" She screams and jumps into his arms. Everyone starts to cheer.
"Get how to do it Natsu?" Gray asks.
"I've always known how to!" I snap back.
"Doubt it. You're such a flame idiot that your brain is probably a melted piece of lava."
"Hey! You wanna start a fight ice princess?!"
"No I don't actually. I'm just saying it's so easy yet you're too stupid to understand it."
"If it's so easy, then why don't you grow a pair of balls and ask Juvia out? You know her feeling towards you, and we all know how you feel about her too." Mira says, giving him a death glare.
Gray sweat drops and turns to Juvia, who's face is as bright as a tomato.
"Juvia," he clears his throat, "will you go out with me?" His face flares up.
"Oh my darling Gray! Of course Juvia will!!" She tackles him in hugs and kisses.
Everyone starts to laugh and congratulate them.
"Alright Natsu, now it's your turn. You're the only one left!" Laxus says as he clasps a hand on my shoulder.
Now that I think about it, I truly am the only one left. Everyone else is in a relationship. Mira is with Laxus, Juvia is now with Gray, Gajeel now with Levy, Lisanna is with Bixlow, heck even Elfman is in a relationship with Evergreen. Romeo and Wendy have a thing and I'm sure they'll be together soon. I'M BEING BEAT BY A LITTLE KID!
Man, I really need to step up my game.

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