Chapter 13

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I was sitting in bed, crying and talking to Happy when I heard something out in the hall. It sounded like someone was opening the door. Happy must've seen my reaction because he decides to do this,
"Natsu. We know you're there. Come on in." And sure enough Natsu opens the door and walks in.
"Natsu...!" I say.
"How are you feeling Lucy?" He says simply as he walks over and sits on the bed next to me.
"Um...fine. I guess." I look away from him. I don't want to see him right now. I don't understand why he suddenly cares about me.
"Lucy...please look at me." He states. I ignore his request. "Dammit Lucy!" He shouts and I jump a little bit. I hear the bed creek and I can tell he's standing up now. "I'm sorry Lucy! I am, I truly am! I never meant to hurt you!" I feel his hands grab mine. "Lucy please look at me!" He pleads. I slowly turn my head. He has tears spilling from his eyes.
"Natsu..." I say quietly.
"Luce, please forgive me!" He bows his head into our hands and weeps. I've never seen Natsu like this before. It breaks my heart to see him like this.
"I'll give you guys some alone time." Happy says as he leaves the room.
"Luce...please... I'm begging you. Please forgive me!" I can feel his tears on my hands. His hot breath as well.
"Natsu... I don't think I can-..." I was cut off.
"Lucy... I love you...." I hear Natsu whisper.
"W-what was t-that?" I stutter.
"I said I love you Lucy." He looks up at me. I can tell by the look he has in his eyes that he's not lying.
"Oh Natsu..." I can feel tears slip from my eyes. Natsu removes his hands from mine and cups my face.
"I'm so sorry Luce." He says before his lips crash down on mine.
He pulls back and looks me straight in the eye.
"You're as stupid as always Natsu..." I say happily. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down. Our lips collide once again. We fall back and he's now on top of me. His hands are on the sides of my head, holding his body up from landing on mine.
We hear a knock on the door. The door opens and Erza is standing there. She looks at us. Her eyes turn to anger.
"NATSU!" Natsu shrieks and stands up.
"E-Erza.'s not what it looks like-..." He gets cut off by Erza. She has a sword pointing at his throat.
"Get out Natsu."
"Yes ma'am." he says as he scurries out of the room, closing the door behind him. I chuckle at the thought that they still haven't changed. Erza scaring the crap out of them. Same old same old. I guess it's good to have something familiar.
"Lucy, I'm sorry. For everything." Erza says as she sits at the bottom of the bed.
"It's fine." I say, smiling.
"No it's not Lucy. I ignored you. I'm partly to blame for you getting hurt. I can't believe I was so arrogant."
"Erza, please. It's fine. Forgive and forget."
"Lucy, how could you ever forgive us? We treated you so poorly."
"I guess I just have a kind heart."
"Yes you do." She smiles.
There's a knock on the door and then it opens. Gray and Juvia walk in.
"Hey Lucy." Gray says.
"Hi." Juvia rushes over to my bed and instantly hugs me. "Juvia?"
"Juvia is so glad that Lucy is alright."
"Thanks Juvia." I hug her back.
"No problem Lucy. Juvia is glad she can help." And with that, her and Gray left.
Once again, I'm left alone. But I'm not sad about it. They do care.
I smile at the thought and go back to sleep.
HEY EVERYONE! Please pray for my friend Tanner. He has this terrible disease where he ships NaLi and is totally against NaLu!😡 So yeah, please keep him in your prayers and hope that one day, he comes to his senses and ships NaLu. 🙏

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