Chapter 9

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"I'm all fired up!" Natsu and the others begin to fight.

"Lucy?" I look at Wendy.


"Are you okay?" she looks at my bloody arms.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I smile.

"Let me heal you!"

"No Wendy. You need to save your magic in case they need your help."

"But Lucy?"

"No but's!" I say with a laugh.

I watch as Natsu fights with his fire. I can't help but smile. Erza and Gray are doing well, like always.

After a very long fight, they finally win. Every man that George had was now laying on the ground. He wasn't there though. I wonder where he went.

Just then, the ceiling opened up, exposing sunlight. I hiss at the bright light.

We look up and see a bunch of other men jumping down. There's more than there was before! Natsu and the rest won't be able to hold them back! They all stand in front of me.

"Lucy, don't worry. We'll protect you." Natsu says without looking back.

"Nastu..." I say quietly. He then takes off running forward with his fists engulfed in flames.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I hits a couple of men before he's jumped by more.

"Natsu!" I yell as I reach my hand out, as if trying to reach his.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" all of the men that jumped him were blown away by the blast. I sigh in relief. I look over at Gray. He's also fighting.

"Ice Make Floor!" a bunch of guys slip and fall. I can't help but giggle at the sight of it. "Ice Make Scythe!" he forms a scythe in his hands and charges at the men. I glance over at Erza. I see her body glowing.

"Requip! Heaven's Wheel!" her armor changes and a bunch of swords appear. She truly is amazing. I turn my head to Wendy.

"Sky Dragon Roar!" a gust of magic blows them away. She is so adorable when she fights.

Even Master is in on the fight. His right arm is huge and he's just smashing it down in random places.

Just then, a pair of arms grab me and I feel a sharp pain in my side. I let out a scream.




"Ah!" My ears are breached by a piercing scream of pain. I look over my shoulder and see Lucy. She's being held by one of the men, and George is standing next to her, holding a dagger in her side.

"Lucy!" I scream and run towards her. I'm stopped by many pairs of hands all holding me back from reaching her. I look over at Gray, Gramps, Erza, and Wendy. They're all in the same situation I am.

George twists the dagger and Lucy lets out another cry of pain.

"Let her go!" I yell.

He looks at me. He doesn't say anything. The man lets go of her and George pulls the dagger out. Lucy falls to the ground.

"Lucy!" we all yell. I don't know what exactly happened next, but I know that I over did it....again.



Lucy's limb body fell to the ground.

"Lucy!" we all yelled.

I begin to hear what sounds like growls and flames. I look over at Natsu.

Natsu's body was completely engulfed in flames, scales were beginning to form on his face and arms. All the men holding him back away from him is fright.

"Don't let him go! Get him!" George screams. They don't listen. They all just run away in fear.

Natsu lets out a scream of anger. I can see the anger raging in his eyes as he stares at George.

Heh, this should be kinda interesting to watch.



Natsu is really upset. Well, I guess I would be too if the one I loved was just stabbed in front of me.

You can feel his anger and hatred towards George. You can clearly see that he wants to murder George. He probably could, but he won't....hopefully.

I watch as he starts to make his way over to Lucy and George. He stops a few feet away from them. He just stares at them.

Then, he leaps forward and punches George so hard, that he goes flying into the wall. Natsu was so fast, George didn't even have time to apprehend what was going on. No one could.

I notice all the men George had were fleeing out of here. I would be too if I wasn't a wizard.

We all rush over to Lucy, except Natsu. He's too busy beating George. Wendy immediately start to heal Lucy. I can tell that Wendy doesn't have that much magic energy left.

"Wendy, are you alright?" she looks like she's about to pass out.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Don't push yourself, child!" Carla scolds.

"It's fine Carla. Trust me." her sentence faded as she pass out.

"Wendy!" we mall scream. Natsu turned around, hatred still in his eyes. George was down for the count, but he wasn't dead.

"We need to get Lucy to a hospital. And quickly!" Gray says.

"I agree. But how? None of us are that fast!"

"Happy, can you fly Lucy to a hospital?"

"I wish I could, but I wouldn't make it in time before my transformation is up. It's too far away. I'm sorry."

"It's alright Happy."

Natsu walks over to us. He picks Lucy up and starts towards the wall to climb out of here.

"Oi! Flame brain! Where are you going?" Gray yells. Natsu ignores him and continues out.

He gets out and starts running towards Hargeon. His flames still hadn't gone down. I just hope he gets Lucy to the hospital fast enough.

C'mon Natsu. We're counting on you.

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