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I was starting to fall asleep when I heard a car door slam outside which made my eyes snap open. Robyn and I's three-year-old daughter, Josie was asleep on my chest, so I slowly and quietly sat up. I gently laid her down on the couch and covered her with a blanket, careful not to wake her up. I stood up and checked my watch.


"Dammit, Robyn," I whispered after I checked the time.

She's been at Mel's bachelorette party all night. She promised me she'd be home early.

I heard Robyn struggling with her keys outside the front door, so I walked over and swung open the door before she could get her key in the lock.

She looked surprised when she saw the door open but then smiled when she saw me. Drunkenly.

She also told me she wouldn't drink. Two promises that weren't kept apparently.

"Hi, baby," she slurred as she made her way inside.

"Hi, Rob," I replied as I grabbed her hand to help her keep her balanced and sighed. "Did you have fun with Mel?"

She nodded as I walked her over to the kitchen. I helped her sit down on one of the bar stools and once I was sure she wasn't going to fall out of the seat, I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle for her and some medicine.

Robyn was sitting with her head resting in her hand and she was quietly giggling to herself.

"Here, baby. Take 3 of these and drink this whole bottle," I said as I put the bottle of pills and water in front of her.

She shook her head. "No."


"No," she said a little louder.

"Robyn, you're not fucking five. Take the medicine," I said, annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm not fucking five, Aubrey. Stop telling me what to do," she snapped.

I rolled my eyes and decided not to respond. I didn't want to fight with her because one, she was drunk, and two, Josie as asleep in the next room over.

A few silent minutes passed by, and I noticed Robyn's eyes began to droop.

"I'm tired as FUCK," she announced loudly.

"Shhhh!" I immediately responded. "Josie's asleep in the family room, Robyn, and Deacon is finally sleeping through the night." Deacon was our five-month-old baby. He was asleep upstairs, and Robyn and I have been struggling to get him to sleep for more than 2 hours a night.

She didn't respond, but she began to stand up from there chair, so I made my way over to her to help her. She swatted my hands away and began slowly walking towards the stairs. I stayed close behind her in case anything happened.

We made it to the bottom of the stairs, but Robyn's heel got caught on the rug so she ended up tripping and fell.

"FUCK!" She yelled out as she held her knee. I quickly got down on the floor to see if she was okay.

"Is your knee okay?" I asked her as I rubbed it with one hand while my other was on her back.

"NO, it fucking HURTS. I fell right on it, Aubrey," she told me, and I heard her voice crack.

I've been annoyed with her since she's gotten home, but I can't stand to see her in pain and disoriented. Drunk or not.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a small voice behind me.

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