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Aubrey went to open the car door for me but I brushed past him and opened it myself and the slammed it once I was inside. I saw him sigh outside the door and then walk around the car to get in the drivers seat. I pulled the light jacket I had on around me tighter as I tried to warm up from just being outside in the freezing New York air.

"Do you want my jacket?"

"I'm fine," I snapped as I leaned forward to turn the knob that controls the air in the car all the way to the red side. The car became filled with hot air after a few seconds as Aubrey slowly made his way onto the main road, being extra cautious because of the ice on it.

The car was silent for the first five minutes we were driving. I sat with my arms crossed and stared straight ahead, looking at the traffic in front of us and the light snow that began to fall again. Aubrey broke the silence as it became more awkward.

"What's wrong with you?"

I gave him a look. "Excuse me?"

"What's wrong with you, Robyn? You've been short with me all day, so what is it?" he asked again, quickly glancing over at me as I rolled my eyes.

"It's nothing."

He scoffed. "It's clearly not. Tonight was the first night we've been able to go out together, alone, in weeks and you've been pissed the entire time."

"Drop it, Aubrey," I told him to prevent an argument which I knew deep down would still happen.

"Why should I?"

"Because I don't wanna fucking fight with you tonight! My god," I snapped, turning my head to look out the window.

I heard him let out a sigh before speaking again. "Robyn, I just wanna know if I've done anything to upset you so I can apologize."

I gave in and turned to him. "What have you been doing the whole time we've been apart, Aubrey?"

He took his eyes away from the road to give me a stupid ass look. "Touring...? Remember? The whole reason why we haven't been able to see each other in so long?"

"Don't be a smartass. I mean after your performances."

"What are you implying, Robyn?" he asked me, avoiding my question.

"Answer my question, Aubrey."

"You know exactly what I do after my shows because for one, you've been to and performed at them and two, I call you after every single one. I usually go to the club or go to sleep. Why the hell am I having to explain this right now, Robyn?" he asked, raising his voice a bit and then gripping the steering wheel tighter as the snow started to come down harder.

I didn't respond. A wave of guilt rushed over me for treating him so badly today over something so stupid and something I knew was untrue. Especially because of what he just told me. He really did call me every single night we were apart. I was so stupid.

"You're seriously not gonna tell me?" I heard him ask as I snapped out of my thoughts.          

"Aubrey...forget I even said anything. I'm sorry for being so awful today," I told him as my tone softened from the one I had earlier. I just wanted him to drop it.

"Tell me why you were," he pressed.

I looked down and played with my long nails. "This morning...someone sent an article to me about you being seen with s-some girl at the club last week," I explained to him, quietly. He didn't respond so I looked up to see his reaction. He was shaking his head and his mouth kept opening and closing like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

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