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I wake up the next morning in Peeta's arms. He is sitting up, looking at me. There is longing and hurt in his eyes. "Peeta, what's wrong?" I ask, "I dreamed that you were the wolf, that you tried to kill me," he answers with a catch in his voice. "Peeta, it's only the flashbacks threatening your dreams." He looks at me with that look again, then it turns to anger. "IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS, KATNISS!" I jump a little at his volume, then I hold his head in my hands and kiss him right on the mouth. He kisses back with strength and hope. We kiss for about five minutes before we force ourselves to stop.

"Remember," I say, "you said always." I get up out of bed and see my leg wound has bled through. I head to the kitchen and find stronger medicine, though, it is a needle injection. Great. I have to do it though. So, I take a deep breath and go for it. I let out a small strange squeal I've never heard from myself. I immediately feel the pain ease away and the blood lessen. Capitol stuff. I rewrap the bite when Peeta comes downstairs freshly washed and with a bright smile on his face. This is no doubt the first time I've seen his real smile in months. I feel a tickle on my ankles and notice buttercup purring at my feet. He has finally stopped mourning prim and is now clinging to me like velcro. I'm glad he is happy though.

"You seem happy today." I say to Peeta. "I have decided something," he says. "Uh oh." I reply jokingly. "We need to talk." Peeta says, Still gushing. "About what?" I ask, he says the one thing we haven't talked about in months. Children. "Listen, Katniss, the Hunger Games are over now. They won't be coming back either, so, you have nothing to fear." I ponder this. Don't I? Shouldn't I fear life itself and it's great destruction? "Please, Katniss!" Peeta exclaims, "I need a family to care for and hold on to. Listen, you are in no way obligated to but, just know, that I love you and care for you and want what is best for you." Wow. I had no idea how passionate Peeta was about this. "The games and my hijacking and your sisters death has had a toll on us, but we need to move forward. We need to find the dandelion in the spring." And with that he heads off to the meadow to pick berries.

I run on after him, pulling up short at the bakery. Smoldered to a heap. He needs the dandelion in the spring more than me. I catch up to him at a blackberry bush. His face is red with sadness and tears flood his eyes, fighting to fall. I try to find words. To heal the broken heart this life has caused. There are none. So I say, "I love you, Peeta, and I know I don't say it often but, I do." He looks at me, the tear finally falling. "We both need that dandelion more than anything, and you are right, only a family can bear that." He gets up, a smile forming on his face. He then grabs me and holds me, we kiss once. Well, here we are, two broken people, who will have as good a family as any.

Mockingjay part 2Where stories live. Discover now