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My world is different now, spending long sleepless nights with Peeta. It's strange, I feel such a new closeness to him than I did before. Luckily, nakedness no longer bothers me. At all. If it did this would never happen. It would just be Peeta and I for all our lives. I don't know how I will find out if a baby comes until I hear about a device simply called 'a pregnancy test' from Haymitch. A few are sent in from the Capitol to my home. It has been about eight weeks since we first "tried". Peeta waits outside the door to the bathroom impatiently. He wouldn't stop baking bread until the tests arrived at 12.

I look down at the test. Positive. It reads positive. I am carrying a child in my womb. This is a real one too. Not one made up by Peeta for show, a real living being. I start to feel uneasy, as if I could vomit at any given moment. But I do not. "What does it say katniss?!" Peeta says through the doorway. I open the door, and show him the stick. He starts crying tears of joy and then takes me in his arms. I feel a pang of nostalgia, when Annie and Finnick ran into each others arms, as if it were only them. That is how I feel. It is only me and Peeta, the rest of the world outside and around us is frozen in time as we celebrate our new child.

Afterwords the unease comes again, and this time I give in. I vomit for twenty minutes in the strong arms of Peeta. He quietly says things like "it's ok, I'm here, I'm not leaving you." Or "it'll be over soon, I promise you sweetheart." Peeta ever so rarely calls me sweetheart. Only when I'm deathly afraid or very very sick like now. I finally finish vomiting my past three meals into our marble toilet. I rinse out my mouth and start to sob. I tell Peeta how afraid I am to carry this baby, how I don't know if I can do it, how I don't know if I can handle motherhood. He tells me he will help in any way he can, and sits in our bed with my head on his chest, crying myself to sleep.

I wake up screaming a blood curdling scream. It was me, Peeta and our child in an arena filled with mutts shaped like reptiles with spiked teeth and poisonous tails. Peeta lifts me onto his lap and rocks me like a small child with a bad dream. He kisses me and rocks me until I calm down. I taste bile in my throat and run to the bathroom, puking on the floor on the way there. "Katniss, Katniss, it's ok, your ok." Peeta says, kissing my head and pulling my hair into a ponytail as I finally make it to the toilet. "I'm gonna clean this up ok?" He says "ok," I reply weakly. After he cleans it up I am finished, and drinking water while laying on the couch. Peeta does not bake, or it makes me sick at the smell of food.

A month later I still get occasional morning sickness. It is tons better, though. I barely understand this, but I am getting along fine. One day, Peeta gets a call from Effie trinket, asking for us to go on a train ride through the districts and into the Capitol for a television broadcast with Johanna mason and Annie Cresta. Peeta and I decide to get back to her when it is closer and I know how I feel.

When the time comes I am actually feeling great. It had been four months now and I am heading to the healer who has gotten a new machine from the Capitol called an ultrasound machine just for me. I head there the day before we leave so I can leave in a happy mood. When we get there the woman asks me to lie down on a bed in her office. She takes a strange sticklike object with yellow-green goo on it. She rubs the stuff around my lower stomach and shows Peeta and I the screen. "Looks like a girl!" She exclaims, Peeta begins to cry. I don't know how to feel. This is all so strange, because I've already started to feel her moving. It makes me kinda sick, but I have decided not to focus on her so much as my hunting and helping the citizens of twelve. Maybe one day I'll get used to it.

Mockingjay part 2Where stories live. Discover now