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I feel bad about yelling at Effie, so I head to the dining car early in the morning to apologize. I dress Willow in a lavender sundress with a flower on the left strap. she wears her white shoes and a lavender stretchy headband. Peeta is still asleep so I leave him be. Effie is alone in the dining car wearing a fluffy blue dress and wig. there are ginormous black feathers in her hair and her black heels are ten inches tall. "Effie?" I say, she looks at me and says, "Oh, Katniss! I am so sorry!" she says, bringing me into her embrace. I hug back and tell her how sorry I am for yelling at her, and that I accept her apology.

Effie and I talk and eat as we wait for the others. Breakfast consists of lemon curd crepes, fruit, a variety of meats, cinnamon buns, and a spinach and tomato quiche. I sit willow on her baby green blanket my mother sewed that i placed on the rug with Prim's old stuffed dog and a rattler made from an old medicine container Peeta painted pink with little birds on it, that is filled with seeds from the meadow. She plays while I eat. By the time I am done eating, everyone has sat at the table.

Annie's son Finn eats a small portion of meat and fruit and then is sent to play with Willow on the floor. I can see them laughing and playing together, and I imagine them together in the future. Running around, Willow about ten, and Finn twelve. I will be sure to visit district 4 when Willow is a bit older. They would have plenty of fun together. Peeta sees Willow laughing at the funny faces Finn is making, and frowns a little. I look at him with a face that says, "come on" and he relaxes a little.

We arrive in the Capitol in about fifteen minutes, so, we all talk amongst ourselves. When we get there, Plutarch Heavensbee is waiting at the station. he greets is with smiles, handshakes, and back patting. "Follow me," he says, leading us to a car that will bring us to the presidents mansion. When we arrive, we enter the marble doors into the main entrance. "A worker will lead you to a room and you will wait there until a member of Katniss's prep team comes and preps you," he says. Each one of us receives someone who walks us to our room.

I took Willow to be fed with me while I wait. I feed her for fifteen minutes and then burp her and let her sit on the bed a while. Four hours have passes by until my entire prep team shows up to the room. "I thought it would only be one of you..." I say, confused. They shake their heads and Flavius says, "we all wanted to come see you, and, of course, the little one!" All of them come forward and begin gushing over how adorable she is and her perfect features.

When they finish, Octavia starts to cry over my horrible hair and nails problem, and when she says hair, she means all of my hair. Eyebrows, mustache, nose hair, leg hair, etc. They pluck me, wax me, brush me, wash me, moisturize me, and put makeup all over me until I am finally to beauty base zero. Venia dresses me in dark pants, a navy blue long sleeved shirt, and a dark pearl necklace. Flavius braids my hair and curls the very ends. Octavia works magic on my nails and paints them my favorite color of green.

They want to put mascara on Willow, but, I immediately say no. She is much too young to wear that! My prep team is crazy. "Alright, fine!" Octavia says, "but it is not my fault you didn't have children til 7 months ago!" she exclaims. I roll my eyes and head to the group. I am the last one there, so I join in the small circle and let Plutarch talk. He says we are heading to the surprise in a car.

The surprise is painful, sorrowful, and horrendous. Here lies four memorials. Three for those who died in the three arenas, and the last for those who died in the rebellion. I notice Prim, Finnick, And Boggs first. The rest aren't as important to me. "What the hell is this!?" I say before thinking. Johanna has a face filled with rage, her fists clenched. Everyone else sits in silence, most beginning to cry. "Now, I know this may be a bit much to handle, but, its for the future generations." Plutarch says.

A camera crew comes, including Pollux and Cressida. Cressida looks at me and nods. I nod once back, indicating I am ready. She points the camera towards the memorials, "The arenas are a long gone mistake of our past, our future holds those engraved on these stones, in our hearts. Especially the memorial for those who fought for freedom in the rebellion," Cressida says, pointing the camera towards me. "How do feel?" she asks me. I say back to her, "I don't know..." Tears streaming from my eyes. Willow begins to cry, too, forcing me to take her away to a quieter place.

I am glad to be able to leave. Its too hard, too hurtful, too.... toxic. I know that may sound strange, but, it's true. I rock Willow to sleep, and she stays in my arms until the night is over, and we are home again...

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