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4 1/4 years later.

It is Willows fifth birthday today. She is so different from when I held her in my arms five years ago. Her hair is long, and it flows in dark, smooth curls down her back. She is thin, but healthy, and her blue eyes are striking. Her smile is just like Prim's. She loves Buttercup and loves to sing, and help Peeta bake. She is beautiful.

We promised to take her to district four and play on the beach for her birthday. She loves it here. Oh, and did I mention she has a little brother on the way? I do not think I did... Peeta wants to name him, but, I told him we should wait and hear Willow's opinion. She is super excited. I watch her play on the sand and in the water in her sunset orange sundress my mother made her. Finn is here too, playing with Willow. I finish making the flower I have been working on to match her dress. "Willow!" I call. she comes running over to me. "My flower!" she says, letting me place it in her flowing hair. She runs back to dance with Finn in the water. I watch, hoping Peeta cannot see them while he frosts Willow's cake.

I begin to really get worried when Willow flips her hands behind her back and pecks Finn on the lips. She giggles and Finn turns bright red. Uh oh, if Peeta finds out, he will knead my daughter like bread. I look through the window of Annie and Finn's house and see Peeta frosting that cake like nothing else is happening in the world. Good. He won't know. Then Willow comes running towards the house and through the door, yelling at the top of her lungs, "I KISSED FINN!" my heart sinks. Finn comes running after her, kissing her on the cheek. I see Annie gasp and then smile, thinking it is cute. Then I see Peeta, eyes wide looking straight at Willow.

I go into the house and grab Peeta's shoulders, "She doesn't know any better! you absolutely CANNOT yell at her!" I say into his eyes. I notice he is squeezing the frosting out of the bag and onto the floor. He tenses up and leans down to clean the floor. I relax a little and go over to Willow, "Go back out and play." I say firmly. She obeys, thank god. Willow and Finn run in the water and start splashing each other. I look over to Peeta who is still cleaning up that frosting. "Peeta?" I say. He looks up and says, "What." he sounds sad, depressed almost. "Peeta..." I say.

"I said what Katniss!" He yells. "It's ok-" he cuts me off saying, "No! you know what? It's not! I got the daughter I have always wanted and she already has a freaking BOYFRIEND!" He sits on the floor and starts to cry. I'm honestly unsure what to do. I sit down too, my knees up and stomach extended between my legs. I kiss him. It takes a moment before he kisses back. Annie is outside watching the children, so, she can't see us. When we break apart I tell him how are daughter is young, and she is not going to leave him. "I know..." He says. I get up and take his hand, pulling him up with me. "Come on, our daughter wants cake," I say, walking outside the door. The sun is setting and Willow is still playing on the beach with Finn. They run up to us and Willow hugs Peeta. "Who wants cake!" Peeta calls, and we all celebrate together. A moment that overthrows all painful memories.

Mockingjay part 2Where stories live. Discover now