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Delly is Peeta's childhood friend. She has never been the skinniest, but, when she walks in the door waiting for Gale, she has drastically changed. Her hair is the same yellow, but her body much slimmer. Her face is pretty, under the fat that is no longer there. It seems that if Gale chose her, he must need that same dandelion. Delly takes a look at me and smiles. "I hear you are due in a few months!" She says in her usual ecstatic peppy voice. I realize Gale is in need of her to put out his fire that has been raging hot and high for all his life. Gale kisses Delly and then kisses me on the forehead before exiting the room.

Peeta puts his hand in the ice water and places it on my cheek. I can feel my temperature decreasing from the water and the medicine. "You feeling any better, Katniss?" He asks me in a gentle, hushed voice. I nod and shift my body to lay on my side. My mother comes back in and checks my temperature. 97.49. She gives me another pill and asks for Peeta to take me out of the bath and onto the bed. The pill must be advanced in order for my temperature to go from 138 degrees to 97. Peeta removes the blanket, which is soaking, from my body and lays a sheet over me. He sifts on the edge of the bed and strokes my wet hair.

I wake up with my mother beside me. "Your going home." She says. I ask her why I'm not going to the capitol, and she says it will be too much. I agree and sit up on the bed. "Where's Peeta?" I ask. "He is delivering your things to the hovercraft outside, but, I have to go. I love you Katniss." She says. I reply with a slight smile. My mother leaves me alone in the room. I walk around a little until Peeta comes in. "Are you ready?" He asks. "Yes," I reply quietly. He grabs my hand and we walk out together into the busy halls. Two nurses pass by and one whispers something to the other when she sees us. We are still the star crossed lovers to Panem it seems.

The hovercraft is cool, probably to accommodate my fever. Peeta and I take seats next to each other. "So what did you and Gale talk about?" Peeta asks me. "We didn't. We hugged and cried for about ten minutes." I tell him. "Wow." He says. I nod, not wanting to talk about it with Peeta. He does not know how I feel about the situation. He does not know how being with Gale again is like bringing back my dark past I struggle to run away from.

It is a few hours before we reach district 12. The green of the spring catches my eye. It is almost as if it's the way it used to be before my father died. We land in the meadow by the berry bushes I love so much. I unbuckle and walk through the hovercraft door, Peeta not far behind. The birds are singing outside and I can just make out the lake in bright rays of sun. Something catches my foot as I walk. My bow. Not the fancy one used in the war, but my bow my father made. How did it get here? The bombs from years ago certainly blew it from its rightful place in the log, but, how could it end up here? Maybe an animal, or a strong wind. I pick it up and walk around the meadow to see if I come across an arrow. I find four before I stop and tell Peeta I'm going to go hunting. He tells me to be careful before walking towards the house.

I take my bow along with the four arrows. I hunt for about three hours before getting tired and going home. I got three birds, two rabbits, four squirrels, and a very large turkey. I feel proud by the time I reach home. Peeta cooks a rabbit in a stew we ate with some bread and fresh strawberries he must have picked while I was away. The meal was good and I couldn't stop myself from seconds and thirds. Afterwards I go right to bed, it being very late. I wake up screaming from a nightmare about being stabbed repeatedly in the stomach with long sharp rose thorns until I bleed to death. "Shh, shh, Katniss, it's ok. It's only a nightmare." Peeta coaxes. I put my head on his chest and let him caress my arm until I fall back into a dreamless sleep in his arms.

Mockingjay part 2Where stories live. Discover now