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Today we leave for the train. I packed things only like, a few shirts, pants, and shoes. I can still walk pretty fast, but when I get huge and fat I'll regret this. Peeta and I walk through the meadow on the way to the train station. The birds are chirping. I start to sing the meadow song. The Mockingjay's fall silent for a long while before they sing the tune themselves. I'm left in a trance by their voices on the way out of the meadow and trip over a large piece of metal, falling onto my slightly extended stomach.

Great. I bet I killed it. Cause that's what I do, kill things! Peeta reaches down and picks me up by my waist, gently as ever landing me on the hard pavement. "Katniss! Are you ok?!" He immediately puts a hand on my abdomen to check the child I assume. He says with a relieved sigh, "I feel her, she is ok." I do too. A little too much, that's when I lean over and vomit again. Oh great. Right when we leave. But, we have to go, so we do. Peeta picks me up and walks me to the train. It's still that big nice steel one we rode in to the games and victory tour. I can practically feel Johanna's smirk through the window. She must have been in thirteen to be here before us. Peeta gently let's me down onto the cold steps.

I walk in and Johanna immediately says, "oh so now you are really knocked up. That is great, good job Peeta. Still hijacked?" Peeta just shrugs and heads off to our room. I stay. "So, how's life Johanna?" I say. "Well, I am finally facing my fear and showering." She says. "Good for you." I reply. I am genuinely happy for her. Ever since the Capitol soaking her in water and electrocuting her, she could shower for months on end. So this is a true accomplishment.

We don't say much until Effie calls, "lunch children!" She seems to still believe we are the children from the hunger games. Although, I am perfectly ok with that. "Hello, Effie." Peeta says charmingly as he walks in. He is completely back to normal since the last "games" in the Capitol. "Hello, Peeta!" Says Effie. "Where's haymitch?" Peeta asks. "I do not know, we take off in about five minutes so he better get a move on!" Right then haymitch shows through the doorway, drunk. "hello everybody. Quite a party in here." He glances at me and says, "someone either ate a little too much or has a bun in the oven." I reply, "the bun. and I'm not ever going to let my children near you." He looks truly hurt. "Well then, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...."

I shrug and move on. We come to a stop and get out in district 11. Outside the door is a woman and four children. Three boys and a girl, all the same color as rue. But she is not what they remind me of. The boys are older, the girl, very young. They remind me of gales family. The woman says hello and the young girl runs to me and hugs my waist. She releases and puts a hand on my stomach. She giggles, feeling a kick. Peeta walks up next to me and says to the girl, "hi, what is your name?" She giggles and says, "Rue" I smile and walk away. The smile fades as quickly as it came, replaced by wails and tears. I don't know what to think. The girl was obviously named after Rue herself. Peeta is finished talking to the family and comes over to me, kneeling on a rock by the bush I am under. "Hey, it's gonna be ok. You are probably feeling extra emotional with your hormones." Hey laughs and kisses me. I lay in his arms, dreaming of the day when I forget.

Mockingjay part 2Where stories live. Discover now