The Styles Family

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Michelle's POV

L. Lovato.

She came back.

I held my hand to my mouth. She looks so different. She no longer looked like my 16 year old. No. She was a adult. With a baby.

"M. Mom." She said. I was already crying. I grabbed her in my arms in a hug and sobbed into her shoulder.

"Oh my god. You came back. You actually came back."

Lovatos POV

*Night Of The Run Away*

"C'mon Lovato. I dont have all day." Cory, my boyfriend, whispered/yelled from his car. I jumped from my window and ran to his car.

'I cant believe I'm doing this.' I thought in my head. What was my family gonna do? Will they miss me? What if i wanna go back. Will they let me?

I jumped in his car and he drove at the speed of lightning. Saying goodbye to my family in my head.

We rented a Motel for a few days. Its. Was. Hell. Cory. Making me do things to him. Making "love". He was drunk. I thought it was gonna be so much better. But. I was living hell. I ran away before it got to far. Next thing i knew. I was pregnant. i staid with my friend for. All. This. Time. I was so scared to come home. My parents. What would they think. It was horrible.

*Back To Present*

I felt the weight lifted off my shoulders when my mom gave me a hug with my baby. Who was named Joe. A boy. 2 months old.

Especially my dad. My dad held me tight and cried so hard. So did the rest of my family. But. My daddy was different.

I'm home.

And I'm never leaving again.


Hey you guys!

Sorry its short first of all.

Second. I'm so happy with the feed back i got last time. I am glad some people stuck around waiting for me to update. Because. I suck at updating.

Update on my life:

I'm no longer single ! I'm dating once again. With the guy i have had a crush on. Forever.

You guys.

Everything is possible.

Love you all

~Michelle N 💕

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