The Styles Family

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Part 1


I ran to my mum and dads room. They were still sleeping. Well. Were do i start off. Well. Im dad is a celebrity. You know. The Harry Styles. Yeah. My mom is a normal person. Michelle Styles. Im Lovato. Lovato Styles. I am 16. Im adopted. They adopted me like. Maybe 6 years ago. Yeah. 6. I was 10. They had a baby girl. Blood baby. So. They named her Demi. I got stuck with Lovato. Im not sure why they named us that. But. Anyways.

My aunts and uncles. Grandma and grandpa


Uncle Niall

Uncle Liam

Uncle Zayn

Uncle Louis.


Aunt Megan

Aunt Katie

Aunt Brianna

Aunt Kassie.


Grandma Haylee (she was fun)


Grandpa Taylor (he is fun to)

We have a big family.

I wanted to go out and my mum and dad are sleeping. Soo. I cant gooo. :(


I woke up and i looked at Lovatos bed. Greattttt. She isnt there. Im 6. I have to literally need to take care of my sister. She is always getting into trouble. Daddy says she is a disappointment.

While im up i should get pickles.


I love pickles.

I walked down stairs. We have a big house. 5 bed rooms 3 bathrooms. Pool. But. I have to share a room with Lovato because Aunt Kassie and Uncle Lou stay here A LOT. So. Theres one room taken. Mummy and daddies room another room taken. Me and Lovatos room another room taken. The music room where daddy records with my Uncles so they dont have to go so far because they live down the street another room taken. And lastly the computer room that is filled with a bunch of electronics.

Soo. I have to share a room with a 16 year old that is like a 5 year old.

"LOVATOOOOO" i said.

"Yes Demi?" She said. She was in the kitchen.

"What are you doing. Mummy and daddy dont like it when we eat breakfast with out them!" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh Demi. Im older then you so. Let me be ok? Im going out. Tell mum and dad that i wont be back until late." She said pushing me aside. Which hurt. Because i hit the island.

"Lovato! Your not aloud to go out your grounde- "she cut me of by screaming and running out the door.

"Demi whats happening?" Mum said coming down the stairs wearing daddys Ramones shirt that covered her.

"Lovato went out and she pushed me agents the island. " i said lifting up my shirt that reviled a big red mark on my side.

"Oh my gosh Demi. Ugh. Your sister. HARRY!" She screamed while going up stairs.

I just hear them talking softly and then daddy came to me and picked me up and spun me around "Hows my little girl doing?" He said as he put me down.

"Good daddy. But. Lovato hurt me." I said now wanting to cry because i was hurting like unicorn poop.

"Yeah i know baby. Dont worry. Mummy is gonna help you get better ok?" He said going down to my hight.

"Daddy. Why was mummy screaming last night?" I said. I was confused. His eyes went wide open.

"Ohhh. Um. We were making food. And um. She burned the food." He said pausing at moments.

"Daddy dont you use protection to not get burned? " i asked just getting more confused.

"No. We didnt use protection. So. The food burned. " he said.

"Oh. Okkkk. Make sure to use protection next time so the food wont burn!" I said. I wonder what food they were making. I bet tacos.

"We will. Now. I have to go find Lovato. I will be back soon." He said giving me a hug.

"Bye daddy!!!!!" I said waving goodbye.

"Bye Harry!" Mummy screamed.

Daddy ran back into the house and kissed mummy on the lips and ran out.

"Ok Demi. Come here. Im going to put some cream on your mark." She said.

I ran over to mummy and she lifted up my shirt and the red mark was now a big bruise. Mummy put the cream on the bruise.

"Mummy?" I said

"Yes Demi?" She said still spreading the cream.

"Do you love daddy?" I asked looking at the picture of there wedding. It was a beautiful black and white picture. Daddy was carrying mummy.

"Well Demi of corse i do. " she said now closing the bottle of cream and looking at me.

"Does daddy love you to?" I asked mummy.

"Well. I think he does. He wouldnt of had not asked me to marry him if he didnt love me. You ask daddy that question. " she said standing up. "Now get ready. Uncle Lou and Aunt Kassie are coming today." She said.

I ran to my room and put on a shirt that was blue and said VANS and jean jeans and my black converse that used to be Lovato's

I heard the door bell ring and i ran to the door hoping it was Uncle Lou and Aunt Kassie.


It was Lovato with daddy.

"I found her Michelle!" Daddy screamed as Lovato went to mummy.

"Lovato. Your grounded. Why did you go out?"

She started talking and i spaced out on the pickle jar that was on the counter.

Then i just saw Lovato starting to cry and ran up to her room and slammed the door.

"Demi. Never be like your sister when you get older please." She said opening the pickle jar and putting a pickle on a plastic plate.

"PICKLES!" I screamed as daddy looked at me and then mummy.

"Sweety. Can i have a talk with you?" Daddy said to mummy. She walked over to daddy and they went to the dinning room.

Yes. Pickles.

I grabbed the pickle jar and ran to my room. I hid the pickle jar next to my other pickle jars.

"DEMI! LOVATO! COME DOWN HERE! UNCLE LOUIS AND AUNT KASSIE ARE HERE!!" She screamed. Me and Lovato ran down the stairs. I jumped into Uncle Lou's arms.

"Well hi there Demi. " he said catching me. Lovato gave a big hug to Auntie Kassie. Then i gave Auntie Kassie a hug and Lovato gave a big hug to Uncle Lou.

Lovato is always so nice with other people. Why isnt she like this all thw time!

We all had breakfast and we all just talked and laughed and had a good morning.



Im Michelle. I am the writer of I Wasnt ok Until You Came. And um. Im writing this because me and my friends are weird and we made up this big fan fiction i real life. So. You might be confused. But. You will get it. Please read this because it will be. Interesting. And. Yeahh. So.

Im not sure why i named them Demi and Lovato. I was in class and i was bored and i was thinking about Demi Lovato. So. Yeah. There name ended up being that. So. Yeah. I hope you liked this. And. Yeahh.


~ Michelle 🎀

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