The Styles Family

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16. Family Time
Harry's POV
I woke up to the sound of Michelle walking out of the bathroom. I looked up to see her all tired and with her top knot and coffee pajamas. She looked adorable. "Good morning." I said standing up and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled and looked at me. "You know. I'm never gonna not have butterflies in my stomach when you do that to me." She said kissing me once she was done. She seemed. Happier today. I mean. She was always happy. But. Something was different. "Is something up?" I asked looking around to see anything different. She smiled and pulled me to the bathroom. I saw a pregnancy test on the table. She handed to me.
She's pregnant. Oh my god.
I looked over with the hugest smile on my face and looked back at the test. "Michelle! Why didn't you tell me this?!" I asked picking her up and spinning her around multiple times as she laughed a giggled uncontrollably. I set her down and bent down to my knees. I kissed her belly multiple times and whispered to her belly things I hoped the baby would hear. Probably not. But in my mind, it could. She was smiling and crying happy tears as she looked at me. I looked up at her and gave her kisses all around her face. "Are family is gonna be huge now. Oh god." I stated. We ran into the kitchen together to see Demi and Lovato there with Joe. Hazel was still sleeping. Michelle sat on the counter and grabbed a apple and turned to look at Demi and Lo.
"How would you feel if. I don't know. Mommy had another baby?" She stated taking a huge bite of her apple. Demi's face lighted like a Christmas tree. So did Lo's. They both started jumping up and down and yelling and screaming about how amazing it would be if Michelle added another baby to the family. "You guys are gonna give me a head ache stop."She asked laughing at the state. "Mommy is pregnant." She said now holding my hand and squeezing it. They congratulated her and started naming names they should call the baby.
"Let's all go out today yeah?" I said leaning over the kitchen counter. It would be fun for all of us to go out. Spend some time as a family. "Yeah! Lets go see a movie or go to the park. Have dinner!" Demi decided.
We all got ready and soon left. We went to iHop and got a seat right away with people knowing who I was. The waiter came up and handed us menus. "What a beautiful family y'all got here. There all yours ?" The lady, Samantha, the name tag stated asked. "Oh no. That baby boy is my daughters. The rest. All ares." I answered back. The lady gave a look to Lovato and looked back at all of us. "Oh my mistake." And walked away. "Have they not seen a teen mother. Really. Like. Ugh. I hate it when people do that." Lo stated now obviously in a bad mood. She placed Joe in the high chair and walked out side. "Should. We go talk to her? Or something?" I asked looking at Michelle. "I'll go. Its ok."
Michelle's POV
I walked out side to see her sitting on the floor looking around. Once I she saw me she gave me a small smile and looked away. I went and sat next to her on the ground. "I know how you feel Lovato. I was in your place once." She gave me this look. "I thought you gave me up right after?" She asked questionably. "Oh god no. We kept you for a while. 7 or 8 months. People always thought it was my baby cousin. Or something like that. I hated when people said that. I know I was young. So are you. But. You gotta get used to it. I bet you love Joe just as much as I love you and Demi and Hazel and dad and my new baby combined. You know why? Because your so young and you should take pride and say 'yeah. I did have a baby at 16. And I could give a rats ass on what you think about it." I said. She laughed and hugged me. "Thanks mom." She said still laughing at my stupid rats ass remark. "No problem honey. Now. Let's go. I'm starving." I stood up. Held my hand out. Helped Lo up. And walking back in there with her head held up high.
Demi's POV
I was talking to daddy about how my teacher had a pony tail when mommy and Lo walked in. Mommy nodded at daddy with a smile on her face and sat down and held daddy's hand. Mommy and daddy were cute together. "I want me and Connors relationship to be like your's when I'm older. Still be in love. On there 4th child together. Except. Joe. Isnt his baby, but oh my god you guys should see how great he is with him and Demi. He loves them." Lo said looking at them both. I thought the same. Conor was great with the family and I. Daddy and him got along on sports and what not. They talked about running on a morning one day. He got along with Mommy just perfectly when he brang up he could cooked. They were sitting in the kitchen for hours on hours sharing recipes with one another. And me? He was simply sweet to me. He didn't have to give me anything to prove he was right for my sister. He was.
Lovatos POV
Next Week*
I was taking clothes folding them humming to the toon of Jane Doe by Nevershoutnever in my head when I hear my name be called for someone at the phone for me. I set the clothes down and go to the store phone.
"Hi Lovato it's dad." my dads voice spoke threw the cracky reception.
"Hi dad. what's up?" I said leaning on the stand.
"What time will you be getting off of work today?"
"4:30. Why ask?"
"Just wondering. Demi wanted to do something for you. I don't know what's she is up to know but. You never know. But she seems really excited about it so. Be a good sister and show up at home around 7 ish. I know your probably gonna wanna do to Connor's so."
I agreed to around 6:30 ish to come home because Demi over heard us and she wanted me to come home earlier.

I continued to roll around the cart of clothing continuing the tune in my head and my mind running on me and Connor in the future. I know I just met him maybe about. 3 to 2 weeks ago But. I can't seem to get him out of my head. He made me feel like a stupid 7th grader on her first crush. He was. Good for me.


I clocked out and immediately called Connor. The phone rang about 3 times and he answered
"What up butter cup?"
"Okay why have you been calling me that? You couldn't think of something better ?" I state laughing at his answer
"What should I call you then? ass jucie seems good."
"Butter cup it is." I answer very quickly considering Ass Juice was not something I wanted my boyfriend to be calling me.
"Are you coming over? Because I made dinner and cleaned my house. Please don't tell me I did that for nothing."
"Yeah I'm on my way right now. But I got to leave at 6:30 because my sister planned something for me."
"That little girl has a mind set of imagination doesn't she."
"Oh she definitely does."

*At Connors House*

I arrived around 5. He made us pizza, which was home made and pretty great. We discussed Joe and my family and the past and now. The future.

"What are you gonna do know? What's the BIG plan for Lovato Styles?" Connor asked.

That statement made me think. What is ahead for me ? I have a kid. My life will revolve around my kid for the rest of my life now. I threw away my life. I can take online classes once Joe can be old enough to not cry every freaking hour.
"I. I don't know Connor. My life is Joe. And I'm living with my parents still. Thank god my parents still let me live in there house! After everything I put them threw. They. They still are with me. I'm a 17 year old girl. Your 21. Why are you even with me? I'm a mom for God sakes! You should be going out. Living life ! Not at my house on the weekends with my kid." I say. Not even noticing my eyes tearing up. I threw away my life. He gets up and holds my hand squating beside me.

"Lo. Look at me. I'm with you. For a reason. Your strong ! Your 17. With a job. And a kid. It's not your fault your life took a turn. I mean. It kinda is but. You were 15 ish. You thought you were gonna be with this dick the rest of your life. But you know what? I'm here. My life. Is you know. Ive only known you for. 3. 4 weeks. It's crazy now much I love you. Okay?" He says. My heart flutters with love and I kiss him. Once we break apart we hug for a long time.
"I love you Connor. I love you I love you I love you."


I say goodbye too Connor as I back up from his drive way and drive off. My phone rings as im driving. I digg into my bag which should be called a black hole because everything gets lost in there. Eventually I find my phone and I answer it before it ends.
"Hi Lovato! Are you almost home! I'm ready for you to come home!" Demi screams into the phone. I laugh at how cute she can be.
"I'm about to be there soon okay Demi? Love you child."
I get to the house in a matter of 5 minutes. Before I even pull in I see everyone. On a picnic blanket. My mom, dad, Demi, hazel, Joe. I pull in and get out of my car. Demi comes to my car and grabs my hand.
"We're gonna have a tea party! And we can watch the sun set!" She says as she drags me to the picnic.


I look at all of us. My beautiful family. As we all "clink" are fake tea cups. I hold Michelle to my side and kiss her.
"This is what we were ment to live for babe. To be happy. With our family."
I couldn't ask for anything better. My daughter is back. With a son who she loves. And a great boyfriend. My baby girl Demi. Who I can't even stress how much life she gives me. And baby Hazel. The new addition to the family. My other baby girl. My sunshine. And my baby on the way. Life couldn't be. Any. Better.

The End


Since this is over i can't even stress how much I enjoyed writing this. My heart goes to everyone who atually read this story and liked it. I know I'm not the most gifted writer out there but. It makes me happy and I can't even. Explain how happy I get when people comment. Love you guys.

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