The Styles Family

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He Is A Cutie~

Lovatos POV

*One Week Later*

I walked into Forever 21. I luckally got the job. I was so happy when they called me and told me they would be happy to have me work there. I went to the front desk. A girl with a lot of hairin a bun and had a cute floral shirt on with regular jeans and combat boots with a white lace cardagin. "Hi. Im Lovato. I aplyed for the job and they called me back to start working today." I said to the lady. "Oh hi! Im Staci. With an i. I am the boss here. I wanted to higher you when i saw you picture. Your beautiful my dear. Here. Come with me to the back. We will get your Forever 21 pass necklace and we dont even have to dress you up you look perfect for the job." I smiled at the comment. I was wearing high wasted shorts and a black and red flannel with just a black shirt and vans. I thought i should dress nice. My hair was just down but she wanted to do something with it.

We got to the back and she gave me my Forever 21 necklace. She plugged in a curlling iorn she pulled out of a bag and sat me down. "So Lovato. Oh how i love your name. What made you wanna work here?" She asked me. I told her about Joe and how i wanted to support him. She found it very sweet of me. Once she finished my hair i looked in the mirror. She curled the ends of my hair and split it threw the middle. She put a little band around my head that was a fabric that looked like a braid. My hair looked really nice. "Oh i love it. Thank you."

She showed me around and she was telling me what i was going to do. I was going to be keeping Men 21 clean on the floors. Helping people. And putting the clothes on the racks. It was pretty simple. I grabbed the rack full of mens clothes and walked over to those racks. I started to put them on rack and someone tapped me from bechind and i looked around. A tall guy. With brown hair in a quff from. He had green eyes and perfect face. "Yes how may i help you." I said politly. "Do you have a phone?" He asked with a cute smile. "Yes why?" I said chuckling a bit. "Can i have your number mabye? Im Connor buy the way."

Demis POV

I ran down the stairs in a quick pace and ran to the living room andsaw daddy playing Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. We used to play together but he always lost so i let him play buy himself to practice. I ran to the side of him and waved my hands so he would know i was there. He paused the game and gave me a smile. "Yes Demi?" He asked setting down the remote as i sat next to him. "Can we go shopping. I saved up money to buy Lovato a 'Welcome Home gift'. I have 5 dollars. Thats enought to buy the world! I am so rich daddy. I wanna spend all my money on Lovato." Daddy smiled and laughed. "She Demi. Give me that money and we can go shopping once we get ready before Lovato comes back." He said. With that i ran to my parents room and saw mommy holding Joe and Hazel. "Mommy?" I whispered just incase the babies were sleeping. She looked over and smiled lightly and nodded her head. "Me and daddy are going to buy something for Lovato with my money. We will be back soon." I told her. She told us to be save and we left for Target.

Once we got there daddy held my hand and we walked across the street and we walked in. Daddy grabbed the cart and we walked around. We figured that she would soon have a lot of clothed because she got a job at a clothing store. So we always knew she wanted a peny board, which they didnt sell there but we bought one that was like a penny borad. Daddy bought me one to because i wanted the pink one. Lovatos was purple and had blue wheels. We paid with all my money and we left for home. We got home in a matter of 20 mintues and Lovatos car wasnt there yet so we had time to wrap it for her. She was going to love it. 30 mintues later we heard a car driving up the drive way. I looked out of my window and saw it was Lovatos car. I ran too my parents room and called daddy. He gave me the board and i hid it under the couch and sat there and waited there for here to talk in. When she did she was on the phone. She didnt even say hi. She just passed by me on the phone with a big smile laughing. Oh no. I bet its another boy. I walked up to her room with the board behind me and opened the door slowly. She was holding Joe and talking to him softly enough that i couldnt hear her.

"Lovato?" I said walking in. She looked up and gave me a smile. "Hi baby girl. What do you need?" She asked getting up and setting Joe down and walking to me and squatting down to my height. "I wanted to give you something to say welcome back. I love having you as my sister so. Thank you. " i said pulling the board from the back of me. It was in a box so she couldnt tell what it was yet. "Aw. Demi you didnt have to do this. This is so sweet of you." She said sitting cris cross on the floor. I sat in front of her and watched her open it. Once she saw it her eyes lit up and she looked at me with a big smile on her face. "OH MY GOD DEMI YOU DIDNT JUST DO THIS" she yelled so loud i think daddy and mommy could hear it. She tackled me with hugs and kisses saying thank you so many times. I laughed "I got one too so we can go riding together." I said once she got off of me. "Why wait! Lets go try these out."

Harrys POV

Me and Michelle were in bed together with Hazel when Lovato and Demi came barging in. "DADDY CAN WE GO RIDE THEM PLEASE ITS ONLY 6 PLEASEEEEEEEE" Lovato and Demi screamed in unison. I looked at Michelle. "Go watch them. Ill stay here with Hazel and Joe." She said. I gave her a peck on the lips and walked out with the girls. Our street was a coldasack so they road together hand in hand. They were the perfect sisters. I grabbed my iPhone and squatted down. I took a picture. I looked at it and it was perfect. The sunset and them holding hands. I felt someone hold my side. I looked over and Michelle was there. She smiled at me and kissed her. God. Mhy family is back together. "What do you say about another baby Michelle. Lovato and Demi and Hazel and  a baby girl/ boy named Taylor.

She looked at me. "Lets do it. The Styles faily will be expanded.


Hai you guys. Im posting this late i know im sorry. But i actually updated when i said i would. Yay!

Secon. Omg you guys i love you all so much. Your comments give me happiness and just makes me wanna write so much more. ILY ALL.

Third. So far. With the feed back i have got. There will be a sequal. Im not sure yet. But im pretty sure because i got some people saying they would like for me to do that.

Anyways. ilysm guys. See you all. Next weekend.

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