The Styles Family

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles

Back To Normal?~

Lovatos POV

Since we had a extra room becuase Aunt and Uncle moves out Me and the baby had that room to our selfs. Dad and mom and me and Demi moved my stuff back up. The things Demi wanted to keep i let her have. I wanna learn how to be a better sister. Especially to my new baby sister, so she can only know the good of me. And for Demi, so she can never see the bad side of me again. I learned every thing a very harsh way.And i feel horrible that my family had to see me go threw that. That is no longer me. My mom and dad were so happy about my return. And they were actaully realling understanding. Of course im now grounded for the rest of my life. But. I dont really mind it. Beause i know i did something wrong. I am just happy to be home.

"Lovato can you come down here when you have time?" Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah ill be down in a second." I yelled back. i set Joe down in the crib that my mom still had from when Demi was born. Here comes the punishing. The yelling at me. And the number of questions. They already grounded me. I dont see what this is for. But i went down any ways.

"Yes?" I said. My mom and dad were sitting at the table hand in hand. I missed there romantic ways. No matter how bumpy things got. Everything was ok when they were together. "Sit down Demi. We need to explain some things we should of had down a long time ago."

I pulled out the chair and sat down and waited for them.

"Look. Lovato. We havent been 100% honest with you," my mm said gribbing my dads hand harder and dad rubbed her hand with her thumb and looked at her with lust and letting her know its ok," Um. A long time ago. When i was 18. I was in collage. And i was a good kid. Good grades. Every thing. Your dad on the other hand. Very different. I went to my first party and I met your dad there. And. I let him. Do things to me. And 2 months later. I figured out that i was pregnant with a little girl. I was not ready for a girl. What so ever. I wasnt even a adult yet. But i didnt wanna kill the baby. NSo i had it. But once it was born i put it in adoption. Your dad came back and said sorry and. We fell in love. 6 year later we wanted to get married and have a family. We knew we had a baby arleady in adoption and no one had adopted yet. So we went back. And asked for Sam Styles. And soon changed her name to Lovato."

What. There my real parents?

"Mom. Dad. Why didnt you guys tell me this before? I would of had been so happy to be with my real parents." I got up and walked over to them and grabbed them in a big hug.  "I love you guys so much. I couldnt care even if you werent my real parents. You guys will always be my parents. And. I could ask for anyone else better. I know i messed up really big but i promise im gonna be making it up to you unitl you guys forgive me." I said which made my mom and dad cry.

"Lovato you already have. We love you and we are just glad your finally home."

Unknow POV

How could she do this to me? Just leave me. I have needs too. Hugging her family all happy like. Not for long. I took and quick sit of my vodka bottle and wiped my mouth. I watched them threw the kitchen window. Laughing. Being happy. No. She has to come back to me. I looked up the house and saw a room light on. I looked around too see a tree high enought to where i could see inside the window. I places my vodka container in my vest and clibed the tree and felt slightly dizzy. Once i got to the top i could see a little girl in there. Probably round 6 or 5. She was watching tv and had a baby in her arms. This is how im going to get Lovato.

Michelles POV

I walked up to Demis and Hazels room to tell them that dinner was ready. I opened the door and she wasnt there. "Demi! Stop playing dinner is ready!." i yelled. No answer. "Demi come on this isnt funny. Where is the baby." I walked to the babys room and a note was placed on the bed.

'Come and find us. But bring Lovato



Hai you guys. If you havent seen my new status update i resently got a laptop. So. Im going to try to update as much as i can from now on because its a lot easier to type everything out.

Second, Shout out to Summer1245, cheltsea, genesiscrystal1, MsCE14, and ThatGirlChloe_xx for being so lovley and commenting. I really loved your guys feed back because i have never gotten that much feed back before. Especially Summer1245 for commenting on two chapters. I seriously love you all.

Third. Im sorry this is short. I wrote like. 2000 words because i wanted to kinda say thank you to the feed back but my wifi blanked out and i didnt save it and it shut down and it deleted everything. I think i almost cried. But. I will try to make the next chapter super long


~Michelle N

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