【 ᴛᴡᴏ 】

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💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥

I stared at Deku laying unconscious on the ground. Panic flared through me as my gaze stayed glued on him.

"Forward march, members of the Bakugou Hero Agency!" Katsuki smiled, walking across the makeshift Log bridge. Suddenly, he slipped on the moss and fell into the shallow river below.
"Hey! Are you okay?" One of the boys called down to him.
"He's fine, Kacchan's real strong!" Another answered as Katsuki picked himself up and smiled up at the group.

I was fine back then...

"Hurry up and get back up here!"
"'Kay, no problem!" Katsuki replied.

Nothing was wrong!

A splashing sound followed as Izuku came running down to meet Katsuki.
"Are you alright? Can you stand?" Izuku worried, holding his hand out to Katsuki. Katsuki's smile slowly faded, instead his expression grew angry.
"It would've been bad if you hit your head." Izuku finished with genuine concern.

He was mocking me, underestimating me! Wasn't he..?

I closed my eyes for a second, half-hoping that when I opened them again, Deku would be fine, beaming at me with that dorky smile of his...

"Hero team...wins!" All Might announced. A sinking feeling flooded through me. I balled my hands into fists and internally growled.

"You looked like you were asking for help..."

I winced at the memory of that night. The night I was helpless and vulnerable, and fucking Deku ran blindly into danger to 'save' me...he looked so...scared, but he did it anyway...Why would he go to such lengths to mock me?

"Young Bakugou," All Might called, "Get back here, now"

Sighing, I glanced at the unconscious boy at my feet.

Why, Deku?

Deku was collected and taken to the Nurse's Office, while I made my way back to join the class. I took my place at the back as All Might set up the next two teams for the practical. Occasionally, I got a few weary glances from some assholes, but I paid no attention. The blaring whispers in my head drowned out their entire existence.

"I wasn't...going to use it..." He stuttered, barely forming the words. "Because I can't use it....because my body can't handle the impact...Aizawa said so, too..."

The pain in his voice, the tears brimming in his once-beautiful green eyes...

What the fuck am I even thinking?! That bastard was underestimating me! He deserved it!
...Didn't he?
I forced him to use his shitty Quirk, and it hurt him...I hurt him...My emotions are all over the place, I hate feeling so goddamn weak...

Deku actually beat me though...he won...

I growled, catching the attention of some. I lowered my gaze and stayed back, trying to keep a low profile. The other tests finished, and the only test I actually took note of was with that half and half bastard. He secured the weapon effortlessly and in no time at all, by freezing the building and walking past the 'villains' with ease, knowing that they couldn't put up a fight.
I hardly acknowledged All Might as he dismissed the class, probably in a hurry to check on Deku. Part of me wanted to go find that green-haired little shit myself, to kill him obviously, but my better judgement stopped me. I walked back to the classroom with everyone else, the fuckwads aimlessly chatting about the 'intense' training session. I couldn't concentrate, my mind was too busy focused on that stupid nerd and his pathetic heroic tendencies. I rolled my eyes as an extra addressed me, simply grabbing my bag as if I hadn't heard.
"I'm out," I announced to no one in particular, heading for the door.
"What? You can't just go," Mina called after me.
"Watch me," I spat, making my way down the stairs and to the gate

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