【 ᴇɪɢʜᴛ 】

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💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥

Dragging Deku out of the park, I kept thinking about where it was that I was going to take him. I couldn't take him home, his mother would go mental, and I sure as hell couldn't take him back to mine.
"Kacchan, where are we going?" He asked.
I cursed under my breath, holding his hand tighter.
"Just hold on a second, okay?"
He seemed to accept that, because he didn't ask any more questions for a while. We seemed to just be roaming around the streets, no destination in mind but somehow drifting somewhere anyway. We came to a bench on the side of the road, where we decided to just sit for a while. I chose to stare at the cars racing past instead of at Deku, in an attempt to stop myself from doing anything stupid.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Deku open his mouth as if to say something, but seemingly thought better of it, closing his mouth and turning his face away.
"What?" I asked, still not looking at him. He stayed quiet.
"It's nothing, calm down," He mumbled, bringing his hand up from his lap to his chin, propping it up on the arm of the bench.
"Excuse me?" I growled, beginning to grow agitated. He must've realised what he said just then, because he jumped up and began mumbling out excuses and what not.
"Deku," I interrupted.
"Y-Yes?" He stopped.
"...sit the fuck back down."
And like magic, he sat back down. I expected nothing less 😎

*cough* narcissist *cough*

I glanced at Deku. The way he was fidgeting and sneaking the occasional glance at me, realising I saw him, and then looking away with a blush dusting his cheeks was, admittedly, adorable. I couldn't help what happened next.

Leaning over to him, I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him to me, pressing my lips against his.

🥦 ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ's ᴘᴏᴠ 🥦

This kiss was desperate, full of passion. Kacchan's hands snaked down to my waist, pulling me onto his lap as I brought my hands to his shoulders and gripped his shirt. He nibbled on my lower lip, making me part my lips slightly. This gave him the advantage and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. My heart was pounding in my chest as I moved my lips in sync with his. He pulled back slightly, breaking the kiss, and moved his lips across my jawline and down to my neck, kissing and nibbling my sensitive areas.
"K-Kacchan~" I squeaked, my voice strained from arousal.
"Shut up, fucking Deku.." He mumbled against my skin, his hands moving up from my waist and slipping up my shirt.
"N-Not here!" I stuttered, my face ablaze with what I assumed to be a deep blush of embarrassment as I eyed the people giving us curious or disturbed looks. He paused for a second, as if he only just realised where we were. He pulled back and gazed into my eyes, an unknown emotion burning in his crimson orbs. Without another word he grabbed my wrist and dragged me off the bench, pulling me down the street.
My heart still pounding, Kacchan held onto my hand tightly as he dragged me along helplessly behind him. I didn't know where we were going, nor did I really care. We soon came to a door of an apartment, which Kacchan knocked hard on.

"Hey- Bakubro?"

Of course it was Kirishima's place.

"I need to steal your pad for a bit," Kacchan explained. Kirishima looked from Kacchan to me, and then smirked.
"Ooooooooohhhhh," He laughed, opening the door wide and beckoning us in, "I'll just grab my keys and go then," He winked. True to his word, Kirishima left quickly, leaving me and Kacchan. Alone. In the privacy of his apartment.
"...Hey, Hey Deku," Kacchan grinned.
"...Lemme smash."
I blinked once, twice, three times.
"The sexy mood has just turned sour, how can you quote a dead meme like that?" I laughed. He gasped dramatically.
"It's not a dead meme!"
"Yes it is!"
"Oh yeah? I'm gonna make a passive aggressive post on social media and see how many edgy people agree with me," He stated with severe seriousness.
"Prepare to be knocked off your high horse Katsuki~," I giggled, finding sweet satisfaction in the pink tint of his cheeks.
"Well now that the cockblock has well and truly set in," He began, trying to cover up his blush as he sank into Kirishima's couch, "Wanna just...hang here for a while?"
I smiled, jumping over the back of the couch and into his arms purely by an accidental fluke.
"Hell ye," I pouted my lips, shooting him with awkward finger guns. He rolled his eyes, grabbing a nearby cushion and smothering me with it. I squealed.
"Don't be cringey in my presence, or suffer the consequences, Izu~" He cooed, pulling the cushion back so I could breathe.
"Yep, that's me," He laughed.

💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥 (random but idc)

Deku eyed up a remote that lay discared on the coffee table infront of us, and swiped it from its place.
"How about we watch a movie or something? Y'know, like all those cringey couples in those American shows?" He beamed. I raised my eyebrow in a very judgemental stare, but conceded and let him run with the idea. After scrolling through Kirishima's entire Now TV watchlist, he ended up putting on Shrek.


He fell asleep half an hour into the cringefest, his soft snores making him so much cuter than I'd ever seen him. I slid out from underneath his small frame carefully to fetch a blanket. I don't know how I managed it, but after swiping the fluffy blanket from a bed in the first bedroom I happened to chance upon, I successfully wiggled my way back into the position I was in before I got up, with a little Izuku cuddled up on my chest, now tucked in a large waffle print blanket. I allowed my eyes to slowly close, the last thing I saw being a mess of green curls.


💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥

Brushing a strand of his dark green hair out of his eyes, I smiled down at the sleeping wonder in my arms. His face scrunched up in the most adorable way ever, before relaxing as he nuzzled against my chest. My face became hot, my heart pounding. He was so cute. Slowly, he opened one of his eyes and glanced at me. He stuck his tongue out, his eyes gleaming with that spark that never seemed to fade. I leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead, pushing him off me and climbing off the couch. Deku just groaned in annoyance, laying flat to try to get comfortable again.
"C'mon Deku, fun's over," I chuckled, "Pretty sure Kirishima is gonna be back soon, holding bleach and holy water and expecting a messy clean up". An alien sound came from under the blanket that Deku had hidden himself under.
"This isn't my place, so we gotta go," I pressed.
He pulled the blanket off his head, sitting up.
"Aw, don't be mean Kacchan~" He whined.
"I'm not being mean," I countered with a grin, "I'm being honest."
"I think he's cool," He mumbled.
"Cooler than me?" I asked, half-joking and half-serious.
"Never," He smiled. My heart did that weird fluttery-thing, like it always does when Deku says something like that. I plucked the blanket off him, folding it quickly and walking towards the bedroom where I'd stolen it from.
"C'mon douchebag, I don't want to give your mother any more reasons to want my head on a spike."


🥦 ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ's ᴘᴏᴠ 🥦

Walking back through the streets towards my home, I clung to Kacchan's arm like he was my lifeline. He didn't seem to mind much, and just kept walking with a small smile on his face. It was a nice change from the scowl I was used to seeing. We didn't really say much, but the silence was comfortable. We came to my house soon enough, and Kacchan walked me to the door.
"See you tomorrow at school then?" He smiled, rubbing my head playfully.
"Yeah, of course," I replied, kissing his cheek quickly before letting myself inside and closing the door slowly. My heart was racing as I collapsed against the back of the door, holding my head in my hands with an excited smile.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1573

ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ: 24/09/2018

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