【 ɴɪɴᴇ 】

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🥦 ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ's ᴘᴏᴠ 🥦

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, beeping loudly with the time 8:00am flashing on and off in green. Slamming my hand against it, I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. Memories of yesterday flooding back like a river, I couldn't help but smile. Slipping off my bed, I grabbed my uniform and got ready for school. As I ruffled my hair into its usual bundle of green curls, my mom knocked on my bedroom door.
"Izuku?" She called.
"Yeah, hold on." I replied, quickly swiping my phone and books off my desk, along with my bag and doing my usual scan of my room for any missing items, before opening my door. My mom stood patiently outside, a smile on her face. I froze for a second.
"I'm so sorry about what I said yesterday, honey..." She sighed, her smile slipping and being replaced with a guilty expression. It broke my heart to see my mother like that. Dropping my things onto the floor, I quickly wrapped her in a tight hug.
"Don't be. You're trying to protect me," I smiled, "But trust me, you have nothing to fear. Kacchan isn't the same person he was before."
She frowned at me.
"I have yet to see any proof of this," She began, "But I trust your judgement."
"Why don't I bring him round afterschool? As long as you promise not to start ranting at him," I offered. She looked uneasy, but nodded in agreement anyway. I beamed at her. At least she was trying. I gathered my things off the floor and slid them into my bag.
"Hey, doesn't school start at-"
"8:30? Yeah, it does..." I replied, "Oh..wait..."
I checked my watch, and sure enough it was already 8:15.
"I'm gonna be so late," I cried in defeat.
"Not if you hurry, now go!" My mum cheered. I internally cried.

That would mean I'd have to run the whole way, and considering I've already missed the bus by this time, I'd have no other choice. But then again, running all the way would have its advantages-

"Izuku, stop mumbling and go."

"Heh, right."


I got into class, of course, late. Aizawa gave me a quick glance before mumbling something that sounded like "It's not like you to be late, Midoriya."

I kept my head down and slid into my seat, giving a quick wave to Iida and Uraraka. Kacchan looked back at me, with a look of concern. I smiled in return, hoping I'd get a chance to talk to him after class. He narrowed his eyes at me, before turning around and 'focusing' back on the lesson. Pulling my hero notebook out of my bag, I patted myself down until I found a pen and began scribbling notes down.


"What the hell?" Kacchan muttered, lifting his head up.
"What was that, sensei?" Mina called from her seat. Aizawa shrugged, waddling over to the window to investigate. I closed my book slowly. Aizawa's eyes widened.
"Aizawa! Villan Attack!" Midnight exclaimed, popping her head into the class and disappearing just as quickly as she came. He sighed, but shuffled out of his sleeping bag.
"Alright everyone, find somewhere safe and help the pro heros with evacuating the school," He ordered before fleeing the room. We all stared at eachother for a second.
"Fuck that," Kacchan grinned.
"Yeah, lets just go help take the villan out," Kirishma added.
"That's insane," Mineta commented.
"Is it?" I countered.
"Yes, it really is. Are you trying to get us all killed?!"
"Stop being such a coward," Denki sighed, "you're supposed to be a hero in training."
"Why are we still even debating this?" Todoroki cut in, "Let's just go."

We all nodded in agreement and filed out of the classroom, down the stairs and out into the courtyard to assess the situation. Kacchan brushed past me, clasping my hand tightly in his as he did so. I smiled down at our joined hands, momentarily forgetting the situation we were in. Looking forward, I paused as I stared at the villan...well, villans. I thought there would only be one, but there where at least four, unless more where around and I couldn't see them.
"I thought I told you lot to find a safe place to hide?!" Aizawa raged.
"But we think we'd be better fighting alongside the pro heros," Todoroki explained, keeping his eyes on the villans, who didn't seem to be making any move to attack...yet.
"I don't give a damn what you think!"
"Calm down, Todoroki's right," All Might added, coming out of absolutely nowhere.
"I am?" He replied, the statement sounding more like a question.
"Yeah, asswipe, you are...now can we hurry up and beat these bastards?" Kacchan growled.
"Bastards? That's a little harsh...don't ya think?" A blonde girl in the group of villans called out.
"Toga," The man standing next to her sighed.
"What? I prefer the term 'crazy bitch'," She smiled evilly.
"What a nutjob.." Mineta whispered from behind me.
"Look who's talking," Mina replied, earning a couple of small laughs.
"Focus," I muttered.
"Now, allow me to introduce ourselves," A man with blue hair spoke, stepping out from the group of villans, "We are here on business...for the League of Villans."
"League of Villans?" Aizawa mumbled.
"Great, now they're teaming up," Kacchan groaned.
"Not necessarily," All Might commented, "A group with unstable bonds is bound to fall apart, I don't imagine this will last very long after the first confrontation."
"Don't underestimate them," I added, "They're villains...they're unpredictable."
"Pfft," Kacchan snorted, "If you really believe that, you're living in a fantasy."
"Midoriya's right," Todoroki noted, "We don't know their Quirks yet...they could be dangerous."
"Shut up, fucking half and half prick," Kacchan grumbled.
Our discussion was cut short when a rather ominous fit of laughter erupted through the courtyard. It was the villan.
"Are you gonna just stand there all day, scratching your heads, or are you at least going to defend yourselves?"
"You haven't moved-"
Suddenly, a large explosion threw us all of, pushing the people at the front of the group into the people behind. Stumbling, I steadied myself and glanced at All Might. He's smile never wavered as he nodded to Aizawa, who jumped straight into action like second nature. All the teachers had arrived now, and were doing their best to force the villains back. Todoroki, Kirishma and Denki were supporting Midnight, who was busy holding off the blonde girl who seemed to know her way around a blade; Mineta, Mina and Momo were by Aizawa, fighting off the boy with patchy skin that seemed stapled together; while the rest of us were fighting alongside All Might, singling out the warp so All Might had a better shot at their leader. For a while, the odds seemed in our favour, with the heros outmanning the villains, this fight didn't seem too bad. But that didn't last long.
"Kurogiri!" The leader yelled, and suddenly a warp gate opened, and a flood of ugly, evil looking bird-like creatures seeped out. I counted 5, but was knocked off balance when someone was thrown into me. I coughed, pulling myself back up to my feet.
"Apologies, Midoriya!" Iida boomed, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes trained on one of the new creatures. I smiled in determination, hoping to assist Iida in this fight.
And so with the odds evened out, the fight progressed onwards, much longer than we'd expected. Many where injured and left on the ground to bleed as others defended them, and some kept their ground really well.
"Tomura, we need to go!" The warp gate, Kurogiri, exclaimed, taking another blow from Kacchan who seemed completely in his element.
"Hold on just a little while longer!" He shouted back with evil glee, "Victory is close!"
His words put me on edge, and I only realised what he meant when I turned to ask Kacchan for backup. I saw the guy with the patchwork face warp through a gate made by Kurogiri and appear on the school building just above us, and used his quirk to unstablise the building, and with a quick analysis I understood why. He was going to let the building fall and take out all that lay directly beneath.


My eyes trailed down the building, and my heart sank when I saw Kacchan standing in the way of the falling concrete.

Kacchan was in danger.

That's all I really needed to know, and I moved as fast as I could, tackling him to the ground and sheltering him from the blast of debris. A sharp pain shot through my torso, then my head...and then everything went black.


💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥

Groaning, I pulled myself out from under the pile of rubble that I'd been encased in, only noticing at the last second a tuft of green hair.
"Let's go Tomura!" The warp freak yelled.
He was cut off as he along with the other villains were warped through the gate that the misty bastard had opened, and were gone as quick as they came. I pushed a few bricks aside, gasping when I uncovered the bruised face of-


▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1530

ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ: 25/09/2018

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