【 ғᴏᴜʀ 】

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🥦 ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ's ᴘᴏᴠ 🥦

I woke up the next morning later than usual, the sound of birds chirping echoing gently through my room, rousing me to consciousness. With a sigh of defeat, I slid out of bed and began getting dressed. It's not that I didn't want to go to school...it was that I didn't want to see the people there. I'd been panicking most of the night, not only about facing Kacchan and what he'd possibly have to say, but about the reaction I would recieve from my friends. Little Izuku, Class 1-A's newly founded fag. Even the term sounded grotesque to me. I don't think I could deal with that. 

I'd have to change my name, dye my hair, move to America, by a plot of land and live out my days with a one eyed stray cat called Rango.

Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic, but you get the point. 

Grabbing my bag that I had discarded carelessly the night before, I looked around my room quickly to check I hadn't left anything important behind. Nothing stood out to me, so I left the room and closed the door gently.

"Izuku! Are you awake yet??" My mother called from the kitchen.
"Uh, yeah! I was just about to head out-"
"Without giving me a hug?" She questioned, her silky seaweed hair and sparkling eyes making an entrance as she peeked round the wall and eyed me suspiciously.
"H-Huh? No! I was going to come hug you, I-I swear!" I squeaked.
She giggled at me, walking up to me with a small bounce in her step before hugging me. I froze as her arms wrapped around me.

Keep up appearances, Izuku.

I hugged her back, plastering a smile on my face.
"I'm gonna be late Mom, I'll see you later," I excused, pulling away from her.
"Okay sweetheart, have fun."

Fun? I'm pretty sure it's gonna be about as fun as a root canal.

"Bye Mom."

  ❃ ❃❃

💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥

My alarm clock chimed loud at 6:00am. I rubbed my face, welcoming the peace and quiet of the morning. Climbing out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom. Standing under the blazing water of the shower, my muscles started to relax from the awkward position I'd passed out in. I was in there much longer than necessary, which was unusual for me, but I didn't give a fuck at that point in time. I kept picturing Deku's face on the first day that he stood up to me in defence of the little shit in the playground. The tears that streamed down his freckled cheeks actually made his eyes stand out. His hair was a mess; his arms were covered in dirt and burns from where I pushed him down with my Quirk. I ran my hand through my hair with an irritated grunt and turned off the shower. Changing into my shitty uniform, I began debating what I should say to him when I got to school.

"Hey dickweed, it was just to embarrass you, mention it again and I'll blow you to Pluto."

That sounds so wrong.

"Hi, kiss good now shhhhh."

Even worse.

I growled at myself, throwing my bag over my shoulder, a squeak of surprise escaping my lips as the weight of it hit my shoulder. Since when did my bag become so heavy? I unzipped it, exploring it's contents as I walked down the stairs.

History Book,
Math Book,
English Book,
Candy wrappers-

I tripped on the last step, quickly gripping onto the banister to steady myself.
"Jesus...this house is a death trap."
"No, you're just careless," An irritatingly familiar voice snorted. I scowled at my mother who had a white laundry basket clutched between her hands. Her smirk was annoying.
"Once a klutz, always a klutz."
"Leave me be, woman," I huffed, zipping my bag up.
"Uh huh, just get your ass to school, brat," She snapped back, "And if you're late one more time, I swear to Jesus I'm gonna beat you to within an inch of your life with the broom handle."
"If only social services heard you say that," I tutted, throwing open the front door and stepping out.
"They wouldn't take you away. They'd be begging me to take you back if they did," She replied with a grin.
"Yeah, not many people can handle this much awesomeness," I replied, slamming the door closed behind me.

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