【 sɪx 】

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🥦 ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ's ᴘᴏᴠ 🥦

"Would it be bad if I considered it?"

All Might's warm smile turned into a wide grin.
"There's nothing wrong with that," He beamed, his enthusiasm startling me.
"But...it's wrong-"
"Say's who?" All Might countered. I paused.
"A guy in love with another guy? Everyone has always told me that it's disgusting and wrong-"
"But why listen to them? Love doesn't give a damn about gender, faith, age or race...follow your heart, Midoriya, and not the ignorant beliefs of others."

[Imma stop you right there before you write that comment. Just stop. By 'age', of course I mean legally. So all the 'aGe kInDa mAtTeRs' - stop. I added age because I was trying to highlight the discrimination against couples who have a larger age gap than 5 years and get hounded for it. Say a 28 year old with a 49 year old. It's legal - but people would assume that the 28 year old is after something. So don't write that comment. I'm tired of always having to come back here to find intellectual extras fixing their nerd glasses like "ahem excuse me - that is not correct."]

I couldn't help but be in awe of the hero. I'd always admired and followed his example, and to hear him accept and even support my somewhat uncertain emotions...it made me idolise him much more...if that's even possible. 
"You're right..." I replied, filled with new-found confidence.
"So why are you still here? Go find him, and talk to him," All Might instructed with a reassuring smile.
"Yes, sensei!" I grinned, turning to leave the classroom. Before I opened the door, however, I heard footsteps seemingly running down the corridor. Slowly, I opened the door and peered out, just in time to see a flash of ash blonde hair turn the corner at the end of the corridor. I froze.

Was that who I think it was?


Oh no, what if he heard what I said? What if he thinks I'm insane? Oh my god, this is the




"Kacchan! Wait!" I cried, giving chase to the angsty blonde. My heart pounding in my chest; my lungs begging for oxygen; my thoughts in chaos and the only consistent thing was the sound of my footsteps echoing through the corridor. After a few minutes of non-stop running, I finally slowed to a stop and caught my breath.

Had I really lost him? The corridors aren't even that long, the building itself wasn't even that complicated, and me being the useless dork I am couldn't even keep up?

Groaning, I walked to the end of the next corridor and opened the fire exit, stepping out into the refreshing breeze of the summer afternoon. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me towards them. My panic was soon replaced with relief (and if I'm being honest, a lot of anxiety) as I looked up to find two captivating scarlet eyes gazing down at me.



💥 ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ 💥

I loomed over him, not quite sure what to say. His shining eyes searched mine, making me tense. I'd never been good at openly expressing my emotions; I was completely speechless. After listening to parts of his conversation with All Might, I didn't know what to do with myself.  He'd consider it? He'd consider being with some ass like me? I only ever caused him pain, and yet he's always stayed by my side.

Why can't I quit you, Izuku?


I stilled, finally snapped out of my thoughts by the beautiful boy standing infront of me.

"Deku, I...I just-" I stuttered, getting frustrated with my inability to string a simple sentence together. He stood there patiently, looking at me with an expression of pure innocence etched onto his adorable features.
"In there, with All Might...what...um...well..." I trailed off. He blushed, tugging on his shirt as he looked away.
"Well, u-uhm, he asked what was wrong and why I didn't turn up early, but I woke up late because I'd been up all night trying to figure out what was going on in my head and it sounds insane but I don't know why I can't get you out of my head it's insane I mean I've considered a..amorous relationship with males before but it just seemed wrong to me and my mother didn't like the thought because my father left her for a man and well I just felt like such a failure for ever considering falling for a guy or rather anyone so-"

"Izuku, breathe."

He took a shallow breath, still not meeting my gaze. I tilted his head up, brushing away a few strands of loose green locks from his glistening eyes. Tears began to brim in those captivating orbs, and suddenly he threw himself at me, clinging to me like his life depended on it.
"I hate this," He whispered. I wrapped my arms around him, burying my head into his shoulder.
"Myself. The mess I am. The way I dragged you along, I haven't thought about your feelings until now, and I am so...so sorry-" His voice broke, his grip on my shirt tightening.
"Shh Shh, don't do this, Deku. I pushed my feelings onto you, and I never expected you to take them, so I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ran, I'm sorry I hurt you, and I'm sorry I made you the mess you are right now. But y'know something..." I pulled him back just enough to look into his eyes, "You're the most beautiful mess I've ever seen. And you deserve the absolute world. Never settle for second best, okay?"
He sniffed, biting his lip softly.
"I'd never settle for second best, Kacchan," He smiled, and slowly traced my jaw with his hand, "You're not second best. It took me time, but I can't deny that I stayed around you because you made me happy, even when you scarred me, you were the only thing I could never let go of. This- whatever this is- I'm willing to give it a try. Because even after seeing me at my worst, you never left me. As children, you held my hand with pride, holding your head high, and you brought me up with you."
"I tore you down again, because I was scared, Izuku," I whispered, not trusting my voice to go any louder.
"You were so desperate to be a hero, but you didn't have the means to be one. I knew you'd never stop trying, but I thought I could put you off the idea. I didn't intend to become violent, believe me I didn't, but when you started looking at All Might as your hero, I couldn't surpress the rage. I wanted to be your hero. Only me. And I just..."
"You've always been a hero to me, Kacchan," he replied quietly, "always."
I found myself subconsciously moving my hand from his waist to his cheek, pulling him close enough to press my lips against his. The deep blush that dusted his freckled cheeks was so cute, I couldn't help but chuckle as I pulled back. He blinked a few times before grazing his fingertips against his lips with a weak smile.
"I can't take back the past, Deku, no matter how much I wish I could. But I can make the future better. I know I don't deserve you, but I'm selfish...so I'm gonna ask. Try my luck. Deku...Izuku...give me a chance?"

I had placed my heart on my sleeve for the first time, and saying I wasn't terrified would be a lie. His eyes widened, and I prepared myself for the rejection...even though I had no reason to prepare myself for it. A small smile blessed his lips.
"Like I'd say no after all that," He mumbled, "Of course I will."
My heart instantly froze, the confirmation forcing the reality of it onto me. My face burned, and I smiled. I mean, genuinely smiled.
"Oh my god, are you actually blushing?!" He noticed, his eyes shining.
"N-No...It's just, uh, really hot out here...and this shitty uniform in hot weather, y'know.." I excused.
"Heh, yeeeaahhh...of course," Deku smirked.
"Sometimes I really do hate you, Deku," I muttered.
"Tell me something I don't know," He laughed sadly, looking to the side. His eyes widened.



I turned around to see his dumb 'friends', round face and that other dipshit, running up to us. They gave me a weary glance and I took it as my cue to leave.
"I'll call you later, Deku," I said, making my way past them and towards the school gates. I placed my hand on my heart and smiled.

He's finally mine.

▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 857

ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ: 30/07/2018

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