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HoSeok and I lay together on the bed. The only thing separating us is a sheet. I lay under, and HoSeok lays on top of the sheet, his face red. His entire body is exposed to the world, which doesn't seem to bother him. I run my hand up and down his bare back, letting him drift off to sleep. The apartment is quiet, and the mood is much different than fifteen minutes ago. I smirk to myself, playing back a few memories in my head.

In the distance, thunder rolls. Instantly, HoSeok lifts his head, mumbling something in a deep, groggy voice. I stifle a laugh, at his sleepy state. I hum, wanting to know what he said.

"I hate thunder." He repeats. I chuckle, pulling him into my chest tightly. He's so cute! I let him go, sitting up.

"I'm-I'm hungry." I announce, setting my feet over the edge of the bed and sliding up my boxers. My fingers don't shake as much, and I can't help but wonder if it's because I'm relaxed. HoSeok sits up, too, stretching his arms over his head.

"Do you like thunder?" He asks. I shake my head solemnly. I always thought that rain was beautiful. Thunder is fierce but calming to me. But then it rained when JiMin died. It seemed fitting that when JiMin died, the sun mourned with me for almost a month. Ever since then, the rain hasn't been my friend. It almost mocks me, now. The droplets hitting my windows with a laugh.

I eat a bowl of cereal, but HoSeok said he wasn't hungry. I try again, but get the same answer. I decide to leave it alone. I know that HoSeok eats, so there's no need for concern.

We stay inside, watching comedies on my Netflix. We occasionally get up to clean a little. Right now, HoSeok stands up on his tiptoes, dusting the TV stand. The thunder rolls through the apartment building, shaking the floor. HoSeok squeaks, running for cover under my arm during the especially loud clap. I laugh, kissing his forehead.

"Okay, I am playing music because this is too damn stressful." He says sassily, raising one hand as he casts a YouTube video from his phone onto the TV. It's titled Hyuna Red. I tilt my head.

"What's-what's this?" I ask as the video loads. He gasps, his hand clasped to his heart.

"It's only the single most attractive woman on the face of the earth!" He cries out, taking a stand in the center of the living room. I frown, confused as I sit on the couch. He stretches, but instantly snaps into the dance when the music starts. I laugh, watching how he does every move with perfect timing to the music and video. I watch him with love. Love in the way he moves, the way that he giggles when he does the booty popping. Love in the way he feels safe enough with me to be silly. I'm actually very impressed that he knows the choreography so well. The song ends, and he throws himself onto the couch, out of breath. I scoot over beside him, planting a kiss to his cheek.

"You're-you're good." I praise him. He laughs, hiding his face.

"I'm just playing around." He says.

"Let's-let's d-d-dance." I jump up, getting ready to pull him up to dance with me, when a sharp pain sticks behind my eyes. I blink, my right leg beginning to twitch. "Ho-HoSeok." I try to say, but speech is lost to me. My lips failing. I hear him stand as I begin to collapse. This seizure is different than any of my others. The movements aren't fast and violent. Instead, my eyes shake back and forth. Only my right leg spasming beyond control. I'm aware of HoSeok setting his hands under my head, even though I'm not having a full body seizure like normal. It feels different. A warmth spreads along my legs, and up my stomach. It lasts about a minute, and I come back. I blink slowly, and HoSeok's face comes into view.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asks, cupping my face. I stare at him.

"Did-did-did I pee?" I whisper. He laughs, obviously relieved I spoke. He nods.

"A little bit, but it's okay," he helps me sit up, "I still think you're sexy." I groan, looking down at my soaked pants.

"I-I-I have nev-never pee-peed myself." I say, getting up and slowly removing my pants. I mumble to myself as I get changed, feeling too embarrassed to even look at HoSeok. I grab new boxers, pulling them up before reaching for a pair of shorts. I don't notice HoSeok standing beside me, until he pushes himself in front of me. He cups my face, kissing my lips softly a dozen times.

"You don't have to be embarrassed." He says, rubbing his thumb along my cheek. "It happens. Who gives a shit? I certainly don't."

"I-I do."

"I knew when we started dating that you do weird things." He smiles at me. "I love you. I love you. I love you."

"I-I-I love you, t-too."

The rest of the day is unproductive. I sleep away the headache my seizure gave me, and HoSeok makes us dinner. It's only Chinese takeout, but that's good enough for me. He scoops fried rice onto two plates, dividing the food evenly between us. We eat silently for a while, before I start a conversation. One that I've been thinking about having for a while.

"Will-will you be-be my P-P-POA?" I ask, biting down on a piece of chicken.

"Your what?" He asks around a mouthful of food. I frown at him, and he covers his mouth.

"Power-Power of Att-Attorney." I respond, "so-so you can make-make decisions on my- on my- on my behalf." His jaw drops.

"Like medical?" He asks, and I nod. "Like if you live or die? That kind of thing?"

"Yes." I lean closer to him. "I don't-don't have one. Doctor-Doctor Kim made-made the choice to save me. I-I need someone."

"No." He shakes his head, moving away from me. "No. I can't do that. I-." He stops, simply shaking his head again. I pull out my phone, texting him.

Please do this for me. Please, I need someone. I have too many accidents and I need someone who really knows me to be there Incase something happens to me.

"Something like if you should go on life support?" HoSeok asks, a bitter tone in his voice. I roll my lips.

"Yes." He stares at me, his eyes unblinking for a while.

"Okay." He agrees. "Okay. I'll be your POA, but I do not want to be the one making decisions. So you just have to be safe." He gives one nod, getting up and walking quickly to the bedroom. He doesn't finish his food.


This is kinda fluffy?

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